Friday, September 18, 2009

It seems that we have all survived this first week of school. My children were ON TIME everyday and had a nice homemade lunch everyday. (you are kidding me if I'm paying $3.75 for lunch or .75/milk daily!)

I am learning to appreciate the little things when it comes to picking them up though: a new school means very little shade and lots of fresh black asphalt- oh, how I miss our cozy shade trees at our old school; a new school means new traffic patterns that no one seems to understand; a new school means a time of adjustment for everyone. So from here on out I will appreciate the fact that although our facility has little shade it does have A/C (and I bring ice water at pick-up); I will deal with the traffic b/c at least we don't share parking with the middle school anymore; and I will be grateful that we have a principal who is open to listening to the parents and taking our suggestions into action.

And speaking of adjustments......this week I have started exercising. And I didn't die. I started a 2.5mile loop on Monday, done in 36 minutes. After my third day, I was down to 32 minutes. Add a few sit-ups and stretches and I'm hoping that my body will adjust and be less sore. Pass the Advil........

Sunday, September 13, 2009

For our family, September has brought the start of school, football and Seussical (theatre). So that means pictures in front of the doorknob to show how tall they are.

The little dudes -- well, I guess they aren't so little anymore. Sean started 4th grade and Ian started kindergarten. It boggles my mind that I was pregnant with him when Maggie was in kindergarten. It also boggles my mind that THEY chose matching outfits for the first day.

And the girls -- Maggie started 6th grade and Amanda started 2nd grade.

It's my only year with them ALL IN ONE PLACE! Even though I have three pick-up times I am grateful.