Sunday, February 05, 2012

It's Superbowl Sunday!

The Superbowl is on this afternoon; and who cares. I am a huge football fan but this year I'm looking forward to friends visiting, great food, and funny commercials. Oh, and Madonna. I'm hoping she knocks it out of the park and shows Lady Ga-Ga who the original risque diva is. It must be the 80's girl in me. What are you going for the game?

And I have more pictures of 2012 Life in Pictures....
Jan.26th - I might have been on the losing side of the Game On challenge but I still won. I helped in serving the winning team an Italian dinner. This is my Caprese. It tasted so yummy along with the lasagna, salad, garlic bread and other NONE diet foods :)
27th....a boy and his dog.....if only the dog would SLEEP with him, Sean's life would be complete
28th.......Sound of Music picture day; they are so sweet together, love Family #3!

29th.....Amanda's mission project! the one that her notes got left at school over the weekend so it had to be turned in late. Can you say grumpy mom?

30th....welcome to the world of adolescence; it means more homework AFTER rehearsal. Gah!
31st.....and speaking of rehearsal -- it's ME, off to slappy dancer rehearsal (I was a nun the night before, bahahaha)
and then it was February! Already....always a good time to take a picture of my goofy dog. We love Fritz.
Feb. 2nd -- homemade goodness. Nothing better than walking in after a busy day to dinner 80% finished :)
Feb. 3rd .....the day I flaked. No picture :( I simply forgot but don't give up on me.
Feb. 4th....a rockin' Saturday night for Maggie. Laundry!
And now, let's 'start at the very beginning; a very good place to start'.....Maggie made us a cake for Superbowl.

Working towards being The Next Great Baker. (she used orange b/c it's all she had and we don't care about blue and red teams; it's ALL about Black and Gold!)