Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...........

I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with Target. I love that I can get a few key groceries like milk, bananas, butter, and bread; a birthday gift; a large Rubbermaid organizer bin; a bathing suit for Mag; a razor for Collin and a few other items in one place. I HATE that my bill was $159. Really? How does that happen?

Last night we had turkey burgers and fresh strawberries for dinner. YUM! And good for us too. Now, we are having frito pie casserole. YUM! And channeling my inner-redneck too.
Maggie has a double ear infection. Guess all the recent swimming did her in. Hoping the abx work quickly and stop her cough so she can sleep again I can sleep again.

So You Think You Can Dance is amazing me once again this season. If you aren't watching, you are missing out. Our whole family watches (shhhhh, Collin won't admit it). And we also watched Lonesome Dove over the weekend. Such a great classic!

and finally.....the pictures I've been meaning to send. It's a little montage I call ....A Taste of Spring 2011...goes back to Sean's bday/Ian's bday/Easter at the Andera's/Maggie's bday/moving and beyond. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I think SYTYCD is awesome this year too! I get almost everyone to watch too- Ryan doesn't really though- Ben and Justin do!