Thursday, June 07, 2012

The phone call changes it all.....

Something as simple as a phone call can change your perspective so quickly. With the news that my Mom had a stroke today, I almost immediately went into survival mode. There is NOTHING I can do from 2000 miles away except to pray for healing and thank God for the miracles of modern medicine. But I had to go on with my day and function. And I did. Just with a better perspective on what's important.

So, I'll continue to be grateful...........
  • GRATEFUL that my husband just happened to be landing on a plane THERE literally 30 minutes before I got the phone call. He was able to get to the hospital and give me some piece of mind
  • Grateful that I have a calm sister-in-law and brother who handled a tough situation so gracefully
  • Grateful that my Aunt instinctually knew something wasn't right and raced to my Mom's rescue
  • Grateful that I was able to visit in February and spend some time with my Mom
  • Grateful for the beauty of text message and modern technology
and Grateful that I have four healthy children that functioned right along with me, did their homework, and didn't argue at bedroom. And they let me snuggle each of them for an extra minute, no questions asked.

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