Saturday, September 23, 2006

We all have pet peeves; some big (DO NOT leave yer trash, especially diapers at the showers, on the beach)/ some small (put the toilet seat down, thankyouverymuch). Overall, I try to let most things roll off my back and not get in a huff over stuff. However, one thing that I've noticed more and more recently is GRATING ON MY LAST NERVE.......Moms who walk around [more like chasing] a kid with bitefuls of food at the park. For the love of God, PLEASE make a freaking choice: 1)eat at home and let the kid play 2)set some boundaries like 'eat 1st, then play' 3)at the very least, sit HERE when you come to get a bite of food; DO NOT walk around & climb when you are eating. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not hard people! I have four children so I've been there/done that with rules and I am still doing it. If you are THAT concerned that your child consume some food maybe you shouldn't be at the park for crying out loud. Is applesauce by the spoonful necessary? Do you really thinking shoving a mini-carrot in your 3yo's mouth while climbing a ladder is smart? Look at me while I speak slowly and clearly 'Get. over. yourself. Leave. the. kid. alone. Back. away. from. the. playground.'

Stepping off my soap box; back to the regularly scheduled program.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You totally crack me up! As do all the people with no common sense. Of course, I laugh with you- they just annoy or disgust me :)!