Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another assorted-topic post to keep you updated on the many adventures here b/c I know you can't stand the suspense:
1) The pie and cheesecake are finally all gone and my thighs can prove it :)

2) Clark's masterpiece:

The inflatable snowman is to the left of the candy canes. It's hard to see but the palm is also done and up the walkway to the front door.

3) Heater guys have come and gone AND not a darn thing is wrong with the heater. @@ It miraculously fixed itself and refused to play the on/off game for the repair guy. Grrrrrr.....on a good note, they checked and didn't detect a carbon monoxide problem. So, unless it starts to play the on/off game again I'll try to relax and stay warm.

4) Need I say more -

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ahhhhh, Sunday after Thanksgiving. It's easiest to provide you with a list style update since I have so many topics:

1) Thanksgiving dinner was AWESOME; one of dh's best turkeys ever. It was a perfect weather day so he, of course, started on the 3-story Christmas tree in the front yard. Quite a sight to behold, the neighbors simply chuckled and mumbled 'what is he up to now?' Everyone is in awe of his masterpiece and he puffed his chest as he moved on to the strings of lights. Dinner was quiet and I made it through the 'thankful' part w/o any tears. Quote of the day goes to little Ian after his first nibble of turkey skin......'mmmmmm, I want some more of dat!'

2) Clark vs. the Christmas decorations -- final tally: two full days of labor, 39 strings of lights; several net-style lights; three strings of candy canes; two lighted deer; a 60in. wreath; a HUGE holographic Noel; and one inflatable snowman. Clark wins again! (without hurt himself once)

3) Tip of the day: GET A CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR. We've only run our heater a couple of times so far this year. We knew it was on the fritz so I was going to call home warranty for service this week since it's cooling off. Friday night/Sat. AM we were frighteningly awakened to the sound of our carbon monoxide detector. Nothing like a little moment of panic and adrenaline to keep you awake for hours. We immediately opened windows, stopped running the heater and are using the fireplace to keep a little warm until the heater is repaired. I'd rather freeze to death than even consider the possiblities if we didn't have the detector. Do everyone a favor -- PLEASE go and get one.

4) Shopping anyone???? I did it. I removed myself from my cozy bed at 6:15 and was out the door by 6:30. (This is after dh went out at 5:30 and was 'getting something for me' but they were already all gone @@) Armed with a list, I hit Target, Old Navy, Sports Authority and JCP. With a stop for a coffee and a muffin I was home by 10:30 and that includes travel time. AND..................I'm 95% done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How ya like them apples? Me -- world's worst morning person. All I have to get is a Dora Kitchen (blech!) and a Barbie house. Well, I still need to do the online order for Gma&Gpa's Harry & David package, but I don't count that as shopping.

5) And perhaps the best news of all, my darling Sean has lost both of his two front teeth this holiday weekend. THANK GOD b/c I couldn't look at him anymore and after he lost his 1st on Wed. we started calling him 'Mater in our tribute to the movie Cars. He's already been serenaded with All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth. Nothing says 6yo like a big ol' empty grin. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Well, Thanksgiving is tomorrow and for once it looks like we might actually have 'fall' weather; it's only supposed to be 70* tomorrow. Yippee!!!!

I'm making the pumpkin pie today since we have the smallest oven on the planet and nothing can fit into it besides the turkey. It's an insane dash to get the green bean casserole and bread baked while we the tent the turkey for a few minutes. I pretty much just stand back and watch while my dh works his kitchen magic. (He even uses his Weber grill to keep stuff warm, heehee) It's quite a spectacle to behold, BUT the meal is AWESOME! So there, I'm not claiming to make Thanksgiving dinner, but I can bake.

I'm once again going to scan the sale ads tomorrow with delusions that I might actually get up and grab a few deals. I have this utopia in my mind that even though it's busy, it will be fun and festive. Then reality blurs back in and I imagine people fighting over material things and parking places; add to that the long lines and I'm thinking my bed will be awfully cozy at 6am.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 17, 2006

So.....where have I been?
Well, my computer got pulled down off the desk and it wonked the mouse connection. Therefore, I have had very abbreviated computer time using dh's laptop AND I haven't ventured to see if GeekSquad will be able to fix the other computer. I HAVE TO retrieve my Memory Manager software with all my organized photos; somehow THAT has to be recovered. Everything else would be lagniappe.

The hustle and bustle of the holidays is approaching. Can you even believe that Thanksgiving is next week? Where are all of your recipe suggestions?????? Hmmmm?

Since I'm married to Clark Griswald the much-anticipated prep of Christmas decorations has begun. It all started when he helped my neighbor unload her new Three Wise Men lights. (picture deer in the headlights; wheels spinning; WHAT? He will not be outdone!) This could get ugly. He is still trying to figure out how to decorate the monster tree outfront (it's taller than our house). He's chomping at the bit to hit Costco for MORE stuff. The kids don't help by saying 'we are gonna beat that guy' everytime we drive by one of the infamous/decorated/get-your-name-in the-paper houses around the corner. I'm thinking the new Danny Devito movie 'Deck the Halls' is going to hit a little too close to home (if ya know what I mean).

Monday, November 06, 2006

Random thoughts:
WOW....that was pretty much my reaction to last night's Desperate Housewives. I won't be a spoiler in case you have it saved, but trust me it's a good one! I think Desp.House has been dragging this season and almost lost me as a regular viewer. Yesterday's episode brought back the good stuff.

What have you organized lately? I've been striving weekly to get something new organized. Maggie and I tackled the tupperware/container cupboard yesterday. Didn't really have to toss much once we married the lids/bottoms but goodness it looks so much better and it is sooooooo liberating.

Thanksgiving -- I'm usually a procrastinator and I can't promise I won't be when the time comes, BUT FOR NOW, I'm asking you to share some favorite dish ideas. We are inviting over some friends (yes, Sandee that means you) and want to have some good stuff considering one of the guests is an executive chef.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

SEND ME SOME MOTIVATION, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm never going to fit in my clothes beyond the holidays if I don't get some help. I got a fitness ball for my bday and dh installed a home gym in the garage (his anniversary gift) SO I really have no excuses. I have FitTV and Tivo so why isn't my lazy butt recording some good shows????? And then, doing them!

Maybe I really am allergic to exercise.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

And another pic since it's LOVE Thursday......celebrate who you love; why you love them; what love is all about.

I LOVE that Ian is my last kid. He's mostly hilarious, but still challenging at bedtime. I heard the floor creak and went upstairs to find him like this -- playing with Dad's laptop. Another tube of lipstick down the drain and I didn't even get mad. (in fact, I had to stiffle my laughter)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!!! (a little late - how am I supposed to take pics. of them dressed up and wish you a Happy Halloween on time?????) Hope you all got your favorites picked out of the kids' loot. Where are the Bit O' Honeys and Mary Janes????