Monday, January 07, 2008

So here goes my 1st post of 2008 ------
started the year off right with a roadtrip to AZ last week. It was so wonderful and relaxing. I still played 'wife' to Sandee by meal planning and grocery shopping while she worked but it was so nice to just have no commitments or obligations. We vegged on random television shows in the evenings......making us realize that 1) we want to stay healthy and not weigh 800lbs. individually or collectively and 2) I could easily be considered 'schlumpy' or 'drowning in Mom wear' on the show What Not to Wear.

So what better way to end our visit than with a trip to the outlet mall in search of NON-Mom wear. I kept saying 'what not to wear' special or no? each time I came out of a dressing room. I purchased a pair of tan cords, a denim skirt, a versatile blouse/top (what word do I use that doesn't make me sound old?), and a pair of Bass flats that are soooooooooo comfortable, yet stylish. AND I didn't spend a thousand dollars doing it; all totalled it was less than $100.

Now I just need a makever for my hair! Please!

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