Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm so, so, so SAD. A restoration company is in my kitchen clearing a disgusting amount of slug from under my cupboards. There is apparently a leak/problem with the garbage disposal and the mystery smell is revealed. The guy just cut into the back of my under-the-sink cupboard in an effort to get EVERYTHING cleaned out. The plumber guy is coming early next week to get to the bottom of the problem; the cabinet people are coming out on 6/10 to tell me if we can salvage the cut-into cupboard and quote us on new kickplates.

In the mean time, I'm back to having NO sink and we will be using paper plates/paper cups & plastic utensils.

Words can't describe how sad I am. Trying to look on the bright side -- at least I have an oven that I can cook frozen Stouffer's and such in.

Now I'm going to bury my head in a pillow to drown out the sound of the guy's drill making yet a bigger hole in the cabinet.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm out of blog ideas for today, so I'm posting 100 random things about me & my crazy life:

1. I love watching my kids play sports.
2. I love watching my kids in dance recitals and plays.
3. I love being in plays.
4. The first play I was in was 'Winnie the Pooh' in high school.
5. Kathlynn is my best friend from high school.
6. I miss her terribly.
7. Patricia is my first friend.
8. We grew up as neighbors and were inseperable.
9. Her daughter is my godchild.
10. I was there when Jennifer was born.
11. I miss them too.
12. Growing up in/near New Orleans was a blast.
13. I HATE mosquitos.
14. I should have focused more when I was at UNO.
15. I was a UNO Starlette for a couple of years.
16. I tried out for cheerleading once in college and couldn't do a stunt to save my life.
17. I met Collin at a fraternity party at UNO.
18. He broke up with his girlfriends of four years that night (not b/c of me).
19. I quit UNO two semesters before graduating to move to CA with Collin.
20. I graduated from Cal. State Fullerton.
21. I have a BS in Child Development.
22. I taught kindergarten at a private preschool for two years.
23. I never imagine I would have four kids.
24. Collin and I had been together for 7 years when we got married.
25. We had a cocktail party in our room after our wedding.
26. I hated our flight to Italy.
27. I loved Florence the best.
28. I have no desire to travel that long on an airplane ever again.
29. Especially if I have to take my children.
30. I love to travel.
31. I love Hawaii.
32. I went to Hawaii for my high school senior trip.
33. I've been back twice since then.
34. I highly recommend Kona Village.
35. I love the beach.
36. Not a fan of the sand, but love the atmosphere/waves/etc.
37. I don't go in the cold Pacific very often.
38. I'm not a good swimmer.
39. I'm afraid of open water.
40. I have no desire to go on a cruise.
41. I think Tom Cruise is a complete idiot.
42. My favorite actor is Tom Hanks.
43. My Cousin Vinny is one of my favorite movies.
44. I don't like scary movies.
45. The last movie I watched with Collin was I Am Legend.
46. It was scary, but the perfect movie to scrapbook too.
47. I am a Creative Memories consultant.
48. I love scrapbooking and treasuring our memories overall.
49. I am way too far behind but at least I'm organized.
50. I'm going to scrapbook tonight.
51. I love making scrapbooks as gifts.
52. I'm learning how to take better photos.
53. I love my camera.
54. I wish I knew how to use it better.
55. Some of my dearest friends are from an online Mommy board.
56. I have met many of them in real life.
57. I miss them terribly.
58. I have some incredible friends in CA.
59. I don't know if we will live in CA forever.
60. I love the weather, but don't fit in in many ways.
61. I want to be a better Mom.
62. I buy organic milk.
63. I each too much fast food.
64. I wish I were comfortable with my weight.
65. I love coffee.
66. I love chocolate.
67. I have no sense of smell b/c of Zicam.
68. I'm really bummed about it.
69. I want to get my spider veins and varicose veins fixed.
70. I'm super self-conscious about that.
71. I want to get my teeth whitened.
72. I'm self-consious about that too.
73. I'm learning to appreciate the little things.
74. I love reading children's books to my kids.
75. I'm trying to read more for pleasure.
76. The last book I finished was Sundays at Tiffanys by James Patterson.
77. I highly recommend The Road Letters by Phil Ribaudo
78. My childhood favorite is The Monster at the End of this Book (Grover).
79. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school.
80. I worked at Wendy's for four years and got two scholarships from them.
81. My first car was a 1979 Plymouth Horizon (hand-me-down).
82. I currently drive a Suburban.
83. I can't park it very well.
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I am an extrovert, yet shy in some situations.
86. I volunteer at my kids' school.
87. I'm trying to learn to say NO more.
88. I love getting messages.
89. I usually polish my own toes.
90. I love Diet Dr. Pepper.
91. I've been watching Days of our Lives forever (probably 30 yrs.).
92. I can remember when they came to New Orleans for Bo & Hope's wedding.
93. I went to the World's Fair and had a annual pass thingie.
94. I love my DVR.
95. My favorite shows are Grey's Anatomy/Survivor/So You Think You Can Dance/Deadliest Catch/The Bachelor/Desperate Housewives/.....I'll stop now.
96. I probably watch too much TV.
97. My first dog was named FiFi and she was a chihuahua.
98. I didn't start taking dance until I was 12.
99. I like to cross-stitch and the only sport I can do remotely well is ski.
100. I'm adopted.

Such is my life in a nutshell.........

Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm just a bloggin' fool aren't I. I'm trying to get back in the swing of it; it IS really hard to get back into the groove when you become a slacker.

Rewinding a bit -- I took the kids to AZ for Spring Break. We went to the Botanical Gardens. The kids played this little desert detective game that keep them entertained and paying attention. The Gardens were really beautiful with lots of cool stuff to see. The butterfly garden was a huge hit; we could have stayed in there for hours. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day:

giant saguaro

butterfly on bottlebrush plant

Thursday, May 22, 2008

LOVE is watching my all-american boy try to fly a kite for the first time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yes, I know it is in the DVR recording, but I am DYING to interrupt Sean & Collin's viewing of Friday Night Lights (the movie). It is 9:19pm afterall; Sean should be in bed but I am eavesdropping on the neatest conversations about football, bad parenting, etc. Don't they realize that American Idol is on right now?!&*%!
.........fingers crossed for David Cook! David Archeleta can take his lip gloss and go sing on a Disney cruise ship.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Wicked Afternoon

Time spent getting there on a busy Sat. afternoon: 1hr.45min.
Cost of parking: $15
Random sandwich to share from hole-in-the-wall Hollywood Blvd. shop: $8
Program (that she hasn't gotten her nose out of): $20
Bottle of gold, I mean water: $4
Having your 10yo grab your hand in excited anticipation as the lights dim & the curtain rises: PRICELESS

Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm willing to bet good money that I'm the only woman in Irvine that cut the grass/ used the weed eater/ pruned the roses/ weeded the flowerbeds/ blew all the debris together for final clean-up. AND it's 85 degress outside.

Yes, yes, FLIP ME A FISH!

Just about everyone I know (seriously, I only know of two other people who do their own lawn) has a gardener. Of course, I did it b/c I'm having a scrapbooking workshop tonight and I wanted the yard cleaned up a bit, but you can still flip me a fish.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

JOY'S Edition of TV Talk
So I was wrong.......Parv wasn't a dead woman walking. She walked away with the money. I'm sooooo disappointed, but still can't wait for GABON. I'm hopeless when it comes to Survivor.

Now, What about American Idol? GO DAVID COOK! It should be a tight race next week. I don't think David Archeleta is the AI powerhouse type that will be a hit; unless they put him on Radio Disney and make him their next merchandise machine. He has a nice voice, but I'm not digging his appeal. I would listen to David Cook any day of the week. He is not Chris Daughtry, but he is so talented in comparison to Archeleta. David Cook can find a nice niche and run with it. I can't wait to see what he does for the finale.

Shows officially deleted off of my DVR -- Lost and K-Ville. Gone; bye-bye. I could never get into K-Ville and Lost had me barely dangling on to be interested so I just made the grand decision to erase,erase.

Up next on the DVR list -- So You Think You Can Dance! 5/22 -- must watch.

Grey's Anatomy and House are finishing up. And for the red-neck girl hidden deep within my soul, Collin and I watch The Deadliest Catch. We each have our favorite captain and watching these guys battle the elements for amazing crab is riveting.

All hail the DVR! What's in your cue?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there; we just got back from our annual camping El Capitan Canyon weekend. It was FABULOUS, relaxing, and just plain fun. I have tons of pics, but that will have to wait b/c TO-DAY Miss Maggie is 10! My biggest girl.

Sorry I don't have any pictures on my computer from her toddler years to show you b/c she was just absolutely squishy. She still has the most amazing light blue eyes; she still loves anything to do with dance & drama (sometimes she creates her own drama, lol). She is definitely going to give me gray hair, but she is working on it. Her bond with Ian remains strong and recently they have started spending bedtime together with her reading to him. It is just precious and I don't ever want that to change.

Right now she is playing the viola and doing really well. We want to have her start taking piano b/c she definitely has an ear for music. Dance recital is coming up and this year she is doing an acro/jazz number and a tap dance. And her first resident camping trip is this summer. She will be gone for four days. It will be weird for both of us and probably harder on me than her.

As time continues to roll on too quickly, I try to appreciate the small stuff like the fact that she stills wants to be tucked in at night. Happy Birthday to my loverly.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Princess Bride. Monty Python. Caddyshack. The Godfather. Austin Powers. What do they all have in common? Well, if you are a movie lover (and geek) like me the answer is simple. MOVIE QUOTES!! My main movie to quote these days is PeeWee's Big Adventure. You see, it was all the rage for my best friends in high school. Kat could do a mean Pee-Wee Herman imitation; I am laughing just typing this and thinking about it. We imitated the bar/dance scene at all of the dances; walked around chirping 'la, la, la' for no apparent reason; and repeated "Shhhh, I'm trying to use the phone" until everyone around wanted to smack us I'm sure. There are so many downright hilarious scenes --- like this and this. How can I pick a favorite?

Just like music, movies bring me back to certain times and places in my life. I LOVED Grease as a young girl and now as a Mom I'm having a hard time letting my kids watch it b/c of the constant sexual overtones. I remember my Mom taking us to see Blue Lagoon in the theatre and two old ladies chastising her about it (lol!). Oh how I wanted to be on Fame or in Flashdance. Then Dirty Dancing came along and I wanted to vacation there so I could sneak out just like Baby. (don't laugh b/c you know you wanted to too)

So what movie quotes are your favorite movie quotes that you occasionally toss about? any movie that bring you back to your childhood?

Now I gotta go rent PeeWee's Big Adventure.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Quote of the day:
Ian to his 3yo friend "My Mom is allergic to noise."
I love that little dude!