Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there; we just got back from our annual camping El Capitan Canyon weekend. It was FABULOUS, relaxing, and just plain fun. I have tons of pics, but that will have to wait b/c TO-DAY Miss Maggie is 10! My biggest girl.

Sorry I don't have any pictures on my computer from her toddler years to show you b/c she was just absolutely squishy. She still has the most amazing light blue eyes; she still loves anything to do with dance & drama (sometimes she creates her own drama, lol). She is definitely going to give me gray hair, but she is working on it. Her bond with Ian remains strong and recently they have started spending bedtime together with her reading to him. It is just precious and I don't ever want that to change.

Right now she is playing the viola and doing really well. We want to have her start taking piano b/c she definitely has an ear for music. Dance recital is coming up and this year she is doing an acro/jazz number and a tap dance. And her first resident camping trip is this summer. She will be gone for four days. It will be weird for both of us and probably harder on me than her.

As time continues to roll on too quickly, I try to appreciate the small stuff like the fact that she stills wants to be tucked in at night. Happy Birthday to my loverly.


Lisa said...

Happy birthday to Maggie! Hard to believe our May98 babies are now 10! Riley will be 10 on the 31st, amazing how fast it has gone by:)

Tricia said...

Happy 10th bday for Maggie! I can't believe it was that long ago! Jen and I went to visit when she was born!!! Hold on tight and enjoy the fun, they grow up fast! Jen just finished her 1st year of college with a final this morning, but she still loves dance and music, draws with sidewalk chalk in the driveway and kisses us goodnight every evening!! She'll always be your number 1 baby!!