Tuesday, June 24, 2008

SLEEP -- it's something I've always been fond of. I would love to nap daily if I could. I love to sleep in. I just love sleep. My sleep patterns have changed over the years and adjusted to whatever life has brought.....newborn non-schedules; sick children; staying up late to catch up with the DVR.

Every since I became a Mom, I have been pretty strict about napping and bedtimes. As you can imagine, with each additional child the nap schedule changed a bit but overall bedtime was maintained and rituals were a reality. I really, really wanted my kids to be good sleepers. Sleep trained so to speak. We still have the occasional middle-of-the-night stealth child who decides to make his/her way to our bed but for the most part we are beyond co-sleeping.

Sean has had night-terrors since he was little. If you have never experienced one, it is so hard to explain. For him, being overtired/exhausted seemed to be the trigger -- I could almost count it down to the minute of him being put down to sleep. One hour later, we would hear unusual crying; take off running to his bedside; find him sitting up in bed screaming with his eyes open. The lights are on but no body is home, literally. Thank goodness his episodes were short in duration and he could (& still can) be calmed down with monotone repetition of "you are safe; you are in your bed; go back to sleep; you are all right". Beyond that, he is a good sleeper. So are Maggie and Ian.

But now we are having sleep issues with Amanda. It all started around Nov./Dec. 2007. Her waking episodes were much like Sean's night terrors except that she would be up and walking around her room. She could be resettled with the monotone banter relatively quickly. I thought it was stress/anxiety related because she was excited but anxious about being in her first play. The play came and went. Now, months later, she has progressed to sleep walking. She will look like she is completely awake; she will come downstairs if I am still up watching TV (or updating my blog). She has a certain 'look' to her and she doesn't communicate even though she will get a blanket out of the basket and get comfortable downstairs. If I catch her at the top of the stairs, I can send her back to her room softly and she will turn around and go back to bed. She looks wide awake but has no recollection of any of this in the morning.

I'm getting a little concerned. This past weekend while camping she literally started unzipping the tent to get out while sleepwalking. Collin stopped her twice. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I wonder if she is sleepwalking more than I know about. Would she try to leave the house?

Good sleep is a good thing. I appreciate sleep and I want her sleep to be restful. What is causing this? Can I do anything about it?

Friday, June 20, 2008

LOVE is the 1st day of summer.............

Saturday, June 14, 2008


How many days are left in school?
How many roles the girls & I are vying for in a local theater production of Sound of Music?
The current baseball tournament Sean is playing in, in as many weeks.
The age that I despise and am thrilled that I don't have children to get through.
How many times will it take for the restoration company to finally get my kitchen nightmare cleaned (not there fault it it is taking mulitple trips) and ready to be remedied?
How many chapter books I want Maggie and Sean each to read over the summer (at a minimum)?
How many nights are we going to camp (or should I say attempt to camp) in a tent with the dog?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Over the last few months, I've been following the amazing story of Tricia and Nate. (the link to Nate's site is over on the right as well) It's truly a story of faith, miracles, and love. Today on his site, Nate linked to a fellow CF patient and her dad's bike ride to raise money for CF. I urge you to go over to Nate's blog and watch the video that Eva made to promote awareness for CF; grab some tissues and watch her amazing story.

Also, say a prayer today for Tricia since has to have a surgical biopsy today.

Today, I feel very blessed to have four healthy children.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

A good day....

I went to Catalina with the girl scouts today. They selected this as their 'cookie money' trip. I had never been. Catalina is AMAZING; I'm trying to figure out when Collin and I can get over there sans kids. The weather was perfect and it was like paradise. I'll try to post some pics soon.

Sean's all-star team won again today; 19-2 in the 4th so they mercy-ed them. (just like yesterday 13-0) Tomorrow they have two games so it will be a Sunday at the ball field for us. The tournament is in a nearby beach community so the weather should be just perfect.

I think I'll top this awesome day with a latte and call it good.

Friday, June 06, 2008

How is it possible that my kids have EIGHT days of school left and then we'll be moving on to 5th, 3rd, 1st, and pre-K. EEeeeeekkk! The last couple of weeks have been full of busy-ness and insanity. A little update -----youngest to oldest......

I think he's growing again . He is crashing in the late afternoon no matter where he is and he still goes to bed on time. How can he grow when his diet is mostly cookies that he sneaks out of the pantry?
I went with the kindergarteners to the local zoo. The kids are just so cute and excited by the little things. Just being away from school was a treat, but add a few monkeys and feeding the goats and it's a party. All I can say is that my ears were ringing when I stepped off the bus. Bus drivers are a special breed.
Sean's all-star baseball team won the Memorial Day tournament for his level. The normally have six inning games and they won in the bottom of the 9th! It was the most amazing youth game I have yet to see. They start another tournament this weekend.
This girlie is just getting too big too fast. This is her and a friend. I took them out to lunch & shopping. Matching outfits; sunglasses; and 'best/friends' necklaces. Pure fun.

And lastly, the biggest kid got a new toy.