Friday, March 13, 2009

It's that time of year when I get a planting bug. It's my annual time to garden and then I get over it.
I planted another calla lily in the back-side yard along with a new tomato plant and some rosemary. In the front, Ian helped me add a few assorted plants to the front entry walk-way and then we planted some candy tuft as filler on the side of the driveway. We uprooted a couple of old dead plants and got really distracted by ROLLY-POLLYS!
I'm not a bug person. I get pretty creeped out by most things and avoid spiders at all costs. BUT I think rolly-poolys are so fun. I have fond memories of playing with them and letting them crawl all over my arms.

It seems my kids love them too.


Anonymous said...

Ya'll all have to come visit us then!!! Because we have been over run by the rolly polly (Pill Bugs) migration for about 2 years now. I love winter because they all go into hibernation or die....but during the spring and summer they are everywhere, crawling up the house, even in my room, laundry room, Jen's room....we can't get rid of them. Maybe I'll box them up and send them to you!

Love you!

Jen said...

I agree about the rolly pollies! They're kinda cute, but yeah when they try to shower with you and sleep with you it's a little overwhelming!!! :)