Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun, I guess. Over the last few weeks, I've thought about posting on here about random assorted things but never got around to it. My poor blog. Let's see we've celebrated Ian's 5th birthday

traveled to Hanford (cow town in the middle of no-where-ville) for a basketball tournament

had a relaxing Spring Break

and celebrated Easter

Toss in LOTS of baseball games and co-chairing the Talent Show for me and it adds up to one busy life. It's all good!

And speaking of time getting away from is my niece's 16th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! How'd you get so old so fast?

Monday, April 13, 2009

I don't know how many of you have seen the Improv Everywhere video of the flash mob freeze in Grand Central Station. Awesome.
Well, being the Sound of Music geek that I am, I LOVE this one.

How can I get in on this cool stuff?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Random Announcement: YOUR CHILD IS NOT the next AMERICAN IDOL. THIS IS A FAMILY EVENT for FUN! Sorry, NO you can't be in the show -- auditions were two weeks ago - DUH! Tickets WILL sell out - buy them today; don't be upset when Uncle Sam from Minnesota can't get in.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Signed, Talent Show Co-chair

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I'm no good at April Fool's Day. BUT apparently Maggie is good.

She short-sheeted Amanda's bed. AND Amanda fell for it.


(and I didn't teach her that!)
Did you think I was lost?
Well, I kind of have been.
Lost in life.
Lost in the mundane tasks of errands, laundry, and dishes.
Lost in the driver seat of my Suburban running all over town.
Lost in the mania of basketball and baseball.
Lost in volunteer stuff like planning the school talent show.
Lost in FINALLY finishing the Twilight series.
Lost in trying to create a realistic budget and still do 'fun stuff' (as the kids call it)
Lost in completely paperwork and realizing that my BABY is going to Kindergarten in the fall.
Lost in being a grown-up I guess.

I haven't been lost in Facebook land. I'm happy to say. I enjoy catching up with everyone but I just don't have time to sit and click around much. Now it's a couple of times a week vs. a couple of times a day; so if you send me message chances are it could be a while before I respond.

I haven't even been lost in good television. American Idol just isn't really holding my attention so I find myself fast-forwarding through all the nonsense hoping for a good performance. Thanks goodness for the DVR.

And last, but not least, lost in prayer of thanksgiving for Gwenyth & Tricia and prayers of hope & healing for Stellan
Prayers for Stellan