Sunday, May 31, 2009

SO it's the end of May.
You know what that means --- finishing up school projects, gearing up for dance recital, mentally preparing myself for the massive amounts of food my children will consume just b/c they are here 24/7, and THE GREAT CLOTHES SHUFFLE 2009!

I've had two bags and a big box sitting here from friends; I am truly blessed with nice hand-me-downs from friends and neighbors. AND I have the labeled boxes of outgrown stuff from the bigs that the littles are now moving into. I'm mostly just doing it now b/c the summer sales are in full bloom and I need to take an inventory of who needs what. I'm REALLY trying to live life on a budget so don't want to fail to the temptation that Target is and just haphazardly grab what I 'think' they need.

But holy guacamole is this task overwhelming. It is just too much for my lazy laundry brain to think about so I proscrastinate until one morning and declare 'I can't wait another day' and just jump into the chaos. I just don't understand how the chaos gets so bad..........I am constantly making a bag for donation of too small stuff (as I fold laundry) and consistently tossing the stained worn-out items. I try to pay it forward by giving good stuff to friends as well. It's just that I have FOUR children- that insist on growing and usually it's all at the same time. Sigh.

The bonus is finding things with adjustable waist for Amanda from Maggie's old stuff. Just a few short years ago, adjustable waist was a novelty that Maggie didn't need anyway. AND if Amanda likes it and will wear it's double bonus! She is the essence of Punky Brewster; jeans and denim must be worn everyday.

Decluttering does feel nice and I'm trying not to get distracted and do toys while I'm in the boys' room. One. thing. at. a. time. Anybody want a toy work/tool bench. How about a Dora kitchen? Wait -- I'm not supposed to be doing toys yet.

Back to the boxes of clothes; pictures later. Happy Sunday!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I've been meaning to post some pictures of all our craziness but just haven't had the time to get them out of my camera, organized, and presentable. I have a bunch of random pics. pulled to put up at some point, but I really wanted to tell you (and show you) about what we did on Memorial Day.

Besides remembering and discussing what Memorial Day is really all about, we decided to try to roll back time and recreate one of Collin's favorite childhood memories. Just 50 miles from here finished with a short hike, we visited Mt. San Antonio Falls. He remembers a waterfall 1/2 mile tall with a huge pool at the bottom. He remembers his sister stepping on a knife; and the family keeping that knife for years. He remembers playing in a rocky creek.

We went back to this area soon after we moved back here in the 90s before we were married, but I don't remember it being as spectacular and fantastic until we shared it with the kids. It was just breathtaking (and that just wasn't because the water was so cold). After visiting the falls, we meandered down the road to find the perfect picnic spot near the rocky creek.

A perfect way to start summer and create some memories that our kids will hopefully share with their own kids one day.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Let me paint the picture --- a beautiful, SoCal 75* degree morning with a slight breeze. I decided it was the perfect scenario to take Ian on his first 'real' bike ride w/o training wheels. He's been up and down our street a million times, but going for a ride that required staying with me/in control/paying attention/crossing streets was something we hadn't done yet. Hi is only five yrs. old.

I needed to take the big kids lunch, so I made them and got them tied to the back of my bike. Ian geared up with a drink of water and his helmet and off we ventured. We meandered through the neighborhood across our first big street with a signal and dropped off the lunches. The big kids laughed with shocked disbelief as they noticed us sporting our helmets. "You rode here??? really!?!" We jaunted across the back of the school onto the bike path and made our way over to JuiceItUp to share a smoothie. So far so good. Ian is doing great and it's all good. One Big Berry Combo consumed.

We decide to head over to the trail behind our house so we cross over a the main street and head over to the trail. I talk him into staying on the paved part b/c the dirt would be too bumpy for him. It's slightly uphill; nothing dramatic; just enough to make you notice and burn a few calories. After a short bit, Ian says his legs hurt and stops. I convince him that we hadn't even gotten to the tunnel yet and we walk that far all the time. He responds with an 'Oh yeah, I can zoom down that' and onward up the grade we trek.

Until, his pedal falls off. Literally.

Lovely, we are 400+ yards from home. And he is upset.

I can't seem to fix it so I show him how to kick the pedal crank around & coast while I hold the pedal in my hand to ride home. The only positive part of this---- it was downhill. Just enough that he could pedal a few times and then coast. BUT he had to watch his feet -- which led to him crashing into the bushes more than once and tossing his bike in a fit of frustration.

GAH! We managed to get back all in one piece with no injures. I made him lunch; did some sit-ups and called it good. Although I'm not sure I'm brave enough to ride with all FOUR of my kids.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yesterday Maggie turned 11! I think she is officially in pre-teen mode b/c I had NO CLUE what to get her for her birthday. She still likes Barbie but doesn't really need anything along that line. She has an Ipod shuffle, so I got her a gift card for that. And some clothes for summer. And two American Girl books.

She's having a sleepover party in a couple of weeks so I got her two movies (Aquamaraine and Hotel for Dogs). This is a treat b/c we don't really buy movies. I also got her the game Clue so they could play that as well.

So the gift that she was shocked and surprised by:

NO, NOT A CELL PHONE!.........

a Karaoke machine!

It's the gift that keeps on giving. Really.
Bonus: my kids think I sing well :)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Happiness is calling your best friend to remind her to remind her kids that the first episode of JONAS starts in five minutes. AND hearing her daughter schreek with glee and panic. All hail the DVR.

Now, I wonder if my girls are recording it and how many times they will watch it after watching the original broadcast. Probably 'til my ear drums melt. Another show that is part of the Disney mega-marketing-machine. However, beyond watching the show my girls aren't freaked out about the merchandise. (yet)

Reminds me of my Tiger Beat days......oh, those boys from the Outsiders.