Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Let me preface this post in my best Arnold Sch. voice from Kindergarten Cop, I'M NOT PREGNANT. BUT you would think I am with the major nesting going on these last couple of weeks.

It all started a couple of weeks ago when I decided to conquer the boys closet and that began the Great Clothes Shuffle 2009.

I moved on to the kitchen and family room area last week. Tossing junk piles o' nothingness, cleaning windows inside & out, dusting light fixtures, clearing the countertops (haven't seen that granite in a while). It sorta feels like I've lost ten pounds, don't I wish!

So, this weekend I jumped into Amanda's room. The clothes shuffle was the trigger b/c she had stuff to hang but no hangers available. More tossing of clothes involved along with emptying major toys like the Dora Kitchen and the makeup thing. There is a God! I can be rid of these chunky eye sores. We gutted everything down to the bedside drawer......dress-up clothes, books, doll stuff, moved furniture, vacuumed corner dust bunnies.

I started a list of stuff that needs to be done in hopes that when Collin gets a free minute (ha!ha!) he can just do things like repaint her door. Got another list going of things to make life better like a shoe cubby for her closet and a new lampshade.

As of now I feel like I've lost 20 pounds with all the donation stuff and trash going out the door. Why are those pounds still on my behind?


The Foil Hat said...

Can you come do my house next?

Marilee said...

Just reading about all this cleaning is making me jealous. I SOOOOO need to do that in EVERY room in my house but the "nesting" energy only lasts so long for one ready to deliver a baby in 2 weeks (me :-). I'm telling you though, after this baby comes, and the kids go back to school I'll be losing about 50 pounds!!! Hopefully off my body as well as my house! :-)