Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If you want to be touched, read this book. If you want to see the innocence of a child, read this book.
It was a quick read for me (two days on vacation); not many books are a quick read for my slow self. But this one was.

Now I want to see the movie at some point. But I have to be ready to watch it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggety jig!
We're back from a camping adventure to Bass Lake (near Yosemite). Really dirty. Tired. but life goes on......
The boys are off and running to the first day of football (who needs a shower anyway?)and the rest of us are off to the theatre for their first night of Seussical. I'm working on coffee and adrenaline at this point, but I will pride myself on starting laundry and taking a shower before we head off for the evening.
We had a really great weekend despite the fact that we had a few mishaps; I believe that is to be expected with eight kids and four adults (and I was the lone female/Mom figure). I took pictures until my camera battery died, so I will share those soon. There are no pictures to prove it but I will shout it from the rooftops --- I GOT UP ON WATER SKIS. Yes, Yes, I did!!!!!!!!! Not for longer than 10 seconds, but that is an improvement over last year.
Now, for the dirty, rotten pigs who stole one of our ice chests from the camp last night (the ranger said they were probably looking for beer), I hope you choke on the stupid hamburger buns, graham crackers and Doritoes that you found. Wait -- that wasn't nice; I hope enjoyed every bite and needed the food. Maybe you were hungry and/or your Momma didn't teach you right from wrong. Karma is all I can say. Beware of the critters out there because you are a filthy critter yourself!
There, I'm done. I'm looking forward to my shower and my bed later on.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

On a Friday in March of 2004, I was having my 4th child. My last baby. Our family caboose. We didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl; we had names ready. Ian James Hall was born on his Great-Great Grandfather James Pearson's birthday. I spent Saturday lovin' on my newborn while Collin was busy at home teaching the kids to ride bikes w/o training wheels. That was a big weekend for us!

What an amazing little guy Ian has been. We are truly trying to enjoy everything that he brings (even though he can sometimes BRING a lot of craziness) and celebrate the little bittersweet things as they come. First it came in the form of weaning from breastfeeding; then taking down the crib; no more diapers (phew!); being rid of the high chair; and then, before we knew it, it was time to take off the training wheels for him.

Here he is in November 2008. So proud! Santa brought him a bigger bike that he loves just as much. Another bittersweet moment.

And then, just today, he mastered tying his shoes.
You know -- I didn't cry when the older three went to kindergarten, but lately I'm thinking a pound of bittersweet chocolate won't be enough to keep me from crying in September.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Soaking up the Summer Sun with Swimming, Snacks, and Swedish fish

A bit of illeration in the style of a fellow blogger, MckMama. She takes amazing photos; I'm no where near her level, but here's a bit of our fun.
The kids were shocked and amazed when I stopped at CVS and said pick whatever you want to drink and a few snacks to share. I could barely walk down the aisle they were hugging me so tightly. LOL!
Volleyball in the pool; it's nice to be the tallest one for once. I have a mean pool volleyball spike.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, HAPPY 4th of July....a little late. We ventured to Ohio for a week of family mayhem. Seven kids. Lots of fun that was topped off with practically perfect weather. As mentioned in my post while I was away, there was loads of go-cart riding, swimming, and outside time. When the kids weren't on the tire swing they were painting (sorry about the table, Grandma), playing with water balloons, fishing, catching fireflies and doing whatever kept them busy. My nieces and I finished two puzzles; I finished Recovering Charles by Jason Wright and almost finished another book too. There was plenty of relaxing to be had topped off with battling a few ticks (eeeeewwww!) that freaked me out. AND I walked two miles with my sister-in-law every day.

We finished the trip with an adventure to Cedar Point. All of the kids have stepped up their bravery and will ride things that I won't. I can't do spinning stuff but they sure can. Maggie even did the Power Tower (no, thanks) and Sean rode some wicked thing called Skyhawk with his cousin Sarah. They did a few roller coasters too. I was shocked and stunned; I'll probably be the resident roller-coaster 'chicken' soon. Poor Ian is braver than most but not tall enough just yet. In a couple of years he will be unstoppable. I see the Dragster in his future. This video of it 'not making it over'/a roll-back and having to get launched again just makes my skin crawl; 120 mph and 420ft., makes my hands sweat just typing it.

Enjoy the pictures that are long overdue..........

Friday, July 10, 2009

Question of the Day:
Where do Mr. Clean Magic Erasers disappear to as you use them?
Perhaps they go into the Land of Dryer Socks and make them sparkling white.

Friday, July 03, 2009

All about vacation...........
staying up late, sleeping in, reading, working on puzzles with nieces, go-cart rides, kids in freezing pool, daily walks, blackberry picking, homemade blackberry desserts, fireflies, LOTS of pictures.
Happy 4th of July!