Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holy Cow.......has it really been almost a month since I blogged? Really? Well, it must be that the blog posts are written in my head and I can't sit down long enough to actually type them out. Anyway, here I am.

Let's see -- Amanda Update: she had a g-tube placed on 11/30/09; used it for about five days and then started eating like a champ. Seriously, think George Foreman! The girl can eat! It was very frustrating to see that her eating would take off once the ng-tube was pulled, but we had no way of knowing. She did have to have some help learning to swallow, but it didn't take long. Her speech has also taken off; but she will get evaluations for additional assistance with that. She came home on Friday, 12/11/09. She doesn't really use her walker at home anymore but we keep that and her wheelchair handy for outings b/c she tires easily. After a bout of the stomach flu last Sunday, her g-tube came out unexpectedly. I hurried her off to the doc. to make sure there were no issues with the early (& hasty) removal and she is FINE :) A blessing in disguise --- she is tube free and medication free --- not even two months after major brain surgery. Our Christmas Miracle!

It is sooooo nice to be home. I was able to take Amanda to her classroom holiday party and that was nice; she enjoyed every minute. We've enjoyed shopping, wrapping, and all that the holidays bring. Including a bit of chaos -- Our 10ft. tree did fall down out of nowhere, but we only lost a few ornaments and no one was hurt. Four of us had the stomach flu AT ONCE; truly an ugly, nasty circus of buckets and beach towels...shudder.... Collin wrecked his truck today, but it was single vehicle and no one was hurt. I truly have to find the silver lining in most of what life is throwing us these days because I am ever so thankful to have my precious daughter HERE and healthy. She still has a long road of recovery but she has us helping her on that road.

I have more recent pictures to post but I'll save those for my next post. I promise it won't take me a month.

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

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