Saturday, February 27, 2010

As with most people I know, we've been all consumed by the Olympics. Every night we see what's on and gather round as a family to watch. AND it doesn't matter what it is. Speed skating, check; nordic combined, check; snowboard cross (the coolest!), check; downhill, check; and NOW, curling - check.
COME ON, really? An Olympic sport? Sure, it's like shuffleboard, but these folks don't even get to drink beer while they do it. So Collin and his buddy Dale have decided that they are going to recruit Collin's business partner Ron and they are going to form a curling team --- an old guys in denim overalls wearing shrimpin' boots and straw hats team. Wouldn't that be a riot? That would have a huge following, don't you think. No? Ok, I'll let them just dream a little then.

And, in the mean time, I'll be happy I have a DVR b/c I'm missing all my regular shows. Never fear Grey's Anatomy, Amazing Race, and all my shows that are too numerous to type. I'll be back.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

'Piece of Cake' / No problem/ It's Over already?
That was basically Amanda's reaction to her gamma knife radiation treatment yesterday. We got there around 9:30 and they started the process right away. Ya know, more paperwork! Amanda passed the time by watching tv and checking out the equipment. She chose Daddy to go back with her as they did her anesthesia in the mask before inserting her IV. And then came the halo. Not the one I think our little angel normally wears, but the kind that screws into your skull. OW!!!!
We were able to sneak a kiss as they moved her from MRI to Gamma Knife. She was sedated the entire time. What's truly amazing is that they brought us back to her around 2pm and she was slowly trying to wake. And then, by 3pm she was awake, talking, walking and we were in the car heading home. A little ice on the forehead and like she said 'a piece of cake'......


(side note: I know these pictures are sometimes hard to look at but taking pictures of the process truly helps Amanda understand what they do. She often has no recollection of times I take pictures. It's all part of helping her process her recovery. It also helps me to keep in perspective how amazingly strong she is when I'm having a hard day handling her new parenting challenges.)

Friday, February 05, 2010

It's been so long since I updated that I'm almost too embarrassed to even start again. BUT I thought I would jump back in since I know some folks check in even though you don't comment (ahem, that means you!) We started 2010 off right with our traditional cabbage, black-eyed peas, and pork roast hoping it would bring money & health. Who could use a little more of that these days? We enjoyed having Grandma Hall's company until mid-January and then the home-made crepes and my 'crutch' were gone. Deep breath.

My days are mostly filled with assorted doctor appts./assessments/therapies for Amanda on top of her being here for her home teaching sessions. She is doing just AMAZING. She got her hair cut into a darling pixie cut that fits her sassy personality and it is really easy for her to deal with.She went back to her jazz and tap dance classes. No, I'm not kidding.......the child who was in brain surgery on Nov. 3, 2009 was back in dance class two months later. Her IEP is in the works so we are hoping she will be back in her classroom soon. However, please keep her continued recovery in your prayers. Her recent MRI revealed that she does in fact have a small 5mm spot that needs to be addressed. She will get a gamma knife radiation treatment within the next few weeks. We are praying that this will be the only extra treatment she needs (it's outpatient) and she will continue to make huge strides.

The other kids continue to handle this insanity well overall. Maggie is making me so proud with her new-found independence with regard to schoolwork and trumpet practice. This is from the winter concert. She is Ian's 6th grade buddy at school and she couldn't be happier. Now, if I could just get her a little more excited about cleaning her room. Sean has been in the heart of two school projects (now complete, phew!), finishing up basketball, and moving quickly into baseball. He's almost 10; how'd that happen? And.....Ian. He's working hard on learning to read, keeping his name off the board in the classroom, and totally EXCITED about baseball season. Oh yeah, he's excited about losing his teeth too

I've been trying to exercise on a regular basis. I am officially registered for the Irvine Lake Mud Run with three friends; I plan to be ready to KICK BUTT. Collin is trying to catch some sleep when he isn't working or coaching a sport. But most of all, we are busy ROOTING ON THE SAINTS!!!!!!!!!It's ALL ABOUT the black and gold Superbowl - WHO DAT!

Sunday can't come soon enough. GEAUX SAINTS!