Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Another family milestone........another bittersweet moment........a day that was such a blessing --- Amanda returned to school yesterday. A normal, healthy spunky 8yr. old who was up and ready before her siblings; packed her own lunch; and couldn't wait to drop her stuff in line before heading off to the playground. She was ready and indulged my need for a hug (and a few pictures)
She was ready; walked in with her classmates just as she did four LONG months ago.
Even though she said her day was 'bad, b/c she had to do work!' It was a GOOD day; a very GOOD day!


Anonymous said...

:) - Angie

Heather said...

Yay! She is one amazing little girl! I am so happy for her and for you!

Sandee said...

I am so proud of her. And I just love that hair...it looks so adorable short like that!

The Amazing Trips said...


No, wait.


I'm so happy for you and your sweet girl.