Thursday, June 03, 2010

Winning the war, one battle at a time........
well, that isn't the best way to think about food and kids, but you can understand where I'm coming from as a parent. I know, I know. Pick you battles. Food was never a battle I was fighting; I have always gone with the montra 'it's my job to feed you healthy food, it's your job to eat it' OR in simpler terms 'fine - don't eat. You don't get anything else.' They both work.

I have never made seperate meals for my kids. If we were eating something new or 'unusual', I always made sure that there was SOMETHING they would eat. Yes, that means they sometimes had fruit for dinner and nothing else. They have all survived; no one has starved. YET. I'm still trying lots of new recipes.

It seems that offering lots of things through the years is slowly paying off. Take the evolution of red beans and rice ---- it started out as red beans (in a small bowl so it didn't touch the other items on the plate), plain white rice, sausage bites on the side, carrot sticks, and a roll. And you can guess what got eaten. But I kept at it. No self-respecting Southern girl would have children who don't eat red beans and rice!!!!!!! I'm SO HAPPY to say that last night every single one of my kids ate red beans and rice together in a bowl (Sean even ventured into adding Tabasco). Now, they did only each eat ONE BITE of the creamed spinach and no one died......I'll keep working on that one. See, it's an evolution.

I'm learning to be happy and NOT complain about what my kids eat. Today for lunch Ian ate one leftover bbq chicken leg, some carrot sticks/cucumber slices/red bell pepper slices, strawberries and a cup of peach yogurt. Unless you think I'm being smug, I'm only happy he eats like this because it has to cancel out all the candy running through his veins.

For the record, I don't consider myself a Food Nazi. The kids usually eat ice cream after school every day. Home-made sweet tea is probably their favorite drink; and drinking milk means adding Nesquik. And you don't want to know about fast food/pizza/baseball snack bar junk. However, the big picture involves lots of home-cooking, new recipes, and an introduction to sno-balls in New Orleans this summer.


Nicole said...

I love when my kids try new things- mind you it isn't very often!!!!!

Laura said...

Keep at it! I love hearing that you are succeeding after lots of consistent effort.