Thursday, July 01, 2010

Where have I been? Well, I know where I haven't been -- exercising, but something had to be dropped from the schedule for a bit. A busy week and now we are heading into a busy summer, but it's all good. It started with dance recital for the girls on 6/17. Then on Sunday, Sean and his friends on the Blue Angels won the USSSA State Championship in baseball. It was spectacular to watch and even better that there snack bar has a/c and beer :) (Hey, I waited until after the game to cool off; give me some credit!) He's moving on to 5th grade; he's getting to big for my comfort zone.

Maggie had a busy week of 6th grade activities and then she had her promotion-to-middle-school ceremony on Wednesday. I was calm, settled, and happy UNTIL her amazing teacher got up to say a few words before giving the certificates. She began by singing to them; yes, singing to them. Ms. Hager is so talented and sang to them & with them often. You guessed it --- I lost it. Music is so important to me and to see how it connected her to her students was inspiring. What a great teacher; I'm thrilled that she 'got' Maggie and brought out the best in her.
So in seven months ---Amanda was able to get back onto the dance and theatre stage (currently in Wizard of Oz) and finish her school year strong by passing another speed/math quiz. She is going to do a reading clinic for a bit this summer and we have lots of library trips planned. She is going on to 3rd grade. She continues to amaze us.

and Ian.................he is officially a 1st grader.........sniff! He loves life and is pretty much up for anything. Especially if it involves water like swimming or the beach, but he'll settle for water guns or the sprinkler too. A true California boy!

We've only had a few 'real' summer days since they got out on last Wed. Just mostly hung out; swam a bit; did some errands. AND everyone is still alive. Even the fleas that are currently making me crazy.
(I've been saving this for days with hopes that blogger would let me add more pictures, but it won't. Grrrr!)

Stay tuned -- I might not be so chipper next time I post.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Summer is here!!!!