Saturday, August 28, 2010

There is one thing you should know about me by now; I'm a BIG football fan. Have been for years, but with my boys in the game now too I love it even more. Today was our big day -- certification and the Pep Rally. We do it all: logo stickers, tattoos, hair paint, clothing; I had face paint but ran out of time. Here is Amanda = Super Fan in the stands, ready to cheer on her brothers.

Sean is on Clinic Gold this year -- he's #12 and apparently too cool to give me a real smile. I still got his dimples.

And Ian with his super cool head coach/ aka Dad.

After meeting the teams, the 8th graders saluting their parents, watching the cheerleaders, and listening to Derrick Mayes briefly talk, we watched a short Kenny Chesney video linked with his song, The Boys of Fall. It is excellent (and it's bonus that Sean Payton is in it!)

Saturday's might be filled with blue and gold lightning bolts. BUT make no mistake, Sunday's are all about black and gold and fleur-de-lis -- WHO DAT!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

So ----
in case you were wondering:
1) yes, we are moving. The house is on the market. Where we will end up is unknown at this point? For today I am focusing on maintaining the house and just enjoying the rest of the summer.

2) Amanda's MRI is Monday (8/23) with doctor follow-up in the afternoon. THANKS to everyone who has been so supportive over this time.

3) Football is in full swing. It's all football all the time with some travel baseball and Oklahoma theatre stuff thrown in.

4) The Pacific Ocean was 59* yesterday. Cramp-your-feet kind of cold! But the beach was still awesome. Even better that Sean packed the food/drink bag and all the beach stuff while I finished getting the house ready for showing. Planning more beach time next week b/c that's how we roll.

5) Book suggestion --- Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping --- great little math problem solving book while still being about that silly monkey family. Fun read aloud.

6) Another trip to Goodwill today -- that's five in about two weeks. I feel ten pounds lighter. Why is my butt still big?

Friday, August 13, 2010

My darling girlie.......Miss Amanda has come so far. Her independent, fiesty spirit has gotten her through so much over the last year. This time last year she was having lots of headaches and I thought it was because she needed glasses, so I scheduled an eye exam. Oh, how wrong I was. Still don't forgive myself for waiting.

I recently made her a scrapbook detailing her journey. She doesn't remember some of it; it's really interesting to hear her perspective on some things (especially since she couldn't talk for a while). This season on So You Think You Can Dance there was a dance that was choreographed that represented the choreographer's journey with his mother's moves me everytime I watch. My heart just melts b/c it brings me back to Amanda's bedside; watching her struggle; and the two-steps-forward-one-step-back that recovery brings.

Soak in the amazing dance that it is and then go hug your loved ones.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another brain's all I have energy for........
we are moving. Don't know when or where to, but it's in the near future. Made another Goodwill drop off today. Collin put sod in the front and painted a lot this weekend. I added a lot of flowers here and there along with decluttering.

Had a productive weekend with beach time on Friday and Monday. Can't complain about the beach. Newport had a SUPER low tide while we were there and we wound up with a little lagoon and sandbar. It was surreal.

Maggie's room is done including the closet, dresser, and desk. Moving will be easy, keeping it neat is the hard part for Mag. Working on the boys room currently. Why don't I feel like I'm accomplishing much.

First Oklahoma dress rehearsal tonight. Need to get ribbon for a sash.

Amanda's MRI is scheduled for 8/23 with doctor follow-up the same day.

No news on the job front for me.

What should I make for dinner? Needs to be re-heating friendly b/c the boys need to eat after football and we'll be at theatre.
Hate living in limbo, but Balboa bars make me happy.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Random brain dump --
Maggie is cooking breakfast and dinner this week. She conquered pancakes this morning. Tonight is chicken alfredo and steamed green beans. She has a menu; we need to grocery shop. I'm hoping she learns cooking skills and a new appreciation for making dinner and keeping every happy about the meal in front of them.

Need to schedule Amanda's MRI.

De-clutter 2010 continues.

The kids are watching videos from when they were babies. Things they are learning --- Sean talked funny and loved his pacifier; Amanda cried a lot; visiting Ohio is always fun whether winter or summer; seeing the cousins in the clothes that came to us as hand-me-downs is weird; we miss Grandpa Hall :*(

School starts in a month; I don't know if I can afford to feed these children for that long b/c they eat CONSTANTLY if we are home.

Need to hit Target for school supplies sale. And socks. And underwear.

I need to take advantage of that free bowling thing I signed up for.

Need to call the district about my job search.


Must be football season......