Thursday, August 19, 2010

So ----
in case you were wondering:
1) yes, we are moving. The house is on the market. Where we will end up is unknown at this point? For today I am focusing on maintaining the house and just enjoying the rest of the summer.

2) Amanda's MRI is Monday (8/23) with doctor follow-up in the afternoon. THANKS to everyone who has been so supportive over this time.

3) Football is in full swing. It's all football all the time with some travel baseball and Oklahoma theatre stuff thrown in.

4) The Pacific Ocean was 59* yesterday. Cramp-your-feet kind of cold! But the beach was still awesome. Even better that Sean packed the food/drink bag and all the beach stuff while I finished getting the house ready for showing. Planning more beach time next week b/c that's how we roll.

5) Book suggestion --- Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping --- great little math problem solving book while still being about that silly monkey family. Fun read aloud.

6) Another trip to Goodwill today -- that's five in about two weeks. I feel ten pounds lighter. Why is my butt still big?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hope you are getting reciepts for all those goodwill donations. I always forget about those and then, come tax season.....
More time at the beach next week sounds lovely! What a great plan. I may have to follow suit.