Thursday, November 11, 2010

And I thought I was doing so well with getting back onto the bloggin' train near the end of September. Then I blinked. And now it's almost mid-November.

Let's see --- Amanda celebrated her 9th birthday; I celebrated a birthday; we had our 15th anniversary; we had Halloween; we did school book reports; we had Scrooge auditions; we had football and we are transitioning to basketball. Our house came off the market. And, I got something called A JOB! And Jerry Brown is governor again (I wish I was kidding about the last part.)

And my world has been rocked.

Yes, I know, women have been working mothers for years. Well, I HAVEN'T. I have been unemployed for 12 years. I was Queen of my Household Kingdom or whatever crap you want to call it. I was just starting to hit a good routine with volunteering, grocery shopping, meal planning, homework help, and all that comes with keeping the house going/ being a wife and mother. And it all came tumbling down.

I LOVE MY JOB. It's the best of the school world w/o the added stress. I get to work with the kids; help the teachers and get paid :) BUT I have quickly figured out that going to sleep 'early' is mandatory to get up at 6:30am. (bye, bye TV time....already deleted Private Practice from the cue; will likely give up on another show soon). Errands and house cleaning take up the bulk of my time when I'm not doing all my other responsiblities. Egads; it's a crazy shuffle. I am SO grateful that I am able to work around my kids' school schedule but we are all adjusting.

So that's where I've been. Online time is RARE, but I do have Facebook on my new Blackberry so I try to read a little here and there when I'm in the carpool pick-up line or find myself with a few minutes at a sports practice.

Already thinking about the yummy food plans for Thanksgiving while I think of quick-and-easy breakfast for my kids on school days; while I think about the healthy snacks I need to bring for grab-and-go at work; while I about what's for dinner the rest of the week; while I think that I should probably make my kids some lunch.  Multi-tasking at it's finest.

I'll send pictures soon, but that requires more time so don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

yeah for slurpee day!