Saturday, March 12, 2011

Really? It's been over a month since I updated my blog? How'd that happen. Oh yeah, it's called life and responsibilities..........four kids (and a dog & a cat), a job, house on the market, variety show to plan, chores & errands, and now the computer is in the boys' room...........that's means very little extented computer time for me. HOWEVER, my heart is breaking tonight and I want ya'll out there in cyber-land to know about this amazing little girl Maddie James.
Her story simply touches my heart, WAY TOO CLOSE to home. You see, she has a brain tumor; Amanda even has the same doctors. But Maddie's tumor is inoperable and fatal. She is only given months to live. I am counting my blessings and hugging my kids extra tight (with a super-squeeze for Amanda!) and trying to spread the word. Let's help Maddie's wish come true.

She loves the ocean and even chose Hawaii for her Make-A-Wish trip. Her parents are trying to raise funds for the Dana Point Ocean Institute's new learning center. Maddie wants to 'help them build it!' and that is where you come in. With a donation, we can all help her dream come true. I'm sure any amount will be graciously accepted....$10--that's a couple of fast foods meals; $25--that a few cups of Starbucks....what can you cut out for a few days in order to help this precious little girl. She only has a few days left to enjoy the simple pleasures that we take for granted. You can go to for more information.

I pray for peace for this family. They are living in a place that I thought I might be (for a few days while we waited for pathology results); a place that no parent should ever have to be. I am so sad and hope that we can all make Maddie's dream a reality.

1 comment:

Sandee said...

What a beautiful little girl and such a heartbreaking story. I made a small donation to honor her. Thanks for sharing.