Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The boy of many names

Back on May 6th I mentioned that I should update on each child, mostly as a journal to myself, but also to try to keep in mind that they grow so fast and change so much. So this post is dedicated to my little Ian.....he truly makes me laugh everyday.
He is a bundle of energy from sun up to sun down. A bit of an outlaw in his own right.
He LOVES seafood, cooked most any way, for any meal. If I ask him what I should cook for dinner, he always responds with "crab, shrimp, fish or lobster." His plate from the Luxor buffet above is full of crab legs and a piece of baked fish. He is truly his Momma's son and can even handle spicier foods than I can.
He is also a fish; loves the pool and loves the ocean. He is getting more brave with boogie boarding in water beyond his thighs (lol!) and sends me into fits of laughter as I watch him attempt to skim board. If Sean is interested in doing it, so is he. He thinks his big brother walks on water!
Ian is a typical little boy and loves all things military. He is intrigued by it and was especially thrilled recently when we had a chance to explore some military vehicles and equipment at the Great Park Anniversary Celebration. Here he is in an AAV.
And he was all grins after experiencing the F-16 flight simulator. The chance to see and touch the gear along with talking to the Marines was an unforgettable experience for him.
THIS picture is just so Ian. It was all I could do to get him to put the guns and ammunition down and move on. He thinks military guys are cool and his favorite Marine is Chad Muhlenbruck (a great friend who just retired last month!).
He also loves sports (just like his big brother). He loves Angels baseball (I refuse to call them that stupid long LA name) and Saints football; he can't wait for the Olympics after watching some of the trials. He just finished All Star baseball and all-too-soon he will be venturing into the world of tackle football. BUT look at this little string bean.......he's long and lean and I hope he finds some MEAN because living off of peanut butter spoons isn't getting him very far.

On any given day, he will answer to Ian, George, Dane, Fadoops, Peen, Poots, Poonie. I'm sure I've forgotten at least one.  He's a sucker for a back massage and loves to laugh. But most of all he has a kind soul so when he got an award for Empathy at the end of the year it meant to world to him (and us). He has eyes that pierce my soul; he's a keeper!


sandee said...

We love that sweet little guy!

Nicole said...

I love the military helmet picture! So funny..