Saturday, August 18, 2012

Just one of those days

Have you ever had a day where MOST everything just goes well? I don't have them very often; well, I can't even remember the last time MOST everything went so smoothly. Ya know, minimal bickering; transitions go smoothly; dinner is pre-planned; everyone seems happy in the moment. I'm happy to say today was one of those days.

With plans to hit the beach, I got up before the kids (see, I said not very often!). I prepped the roast for the crockpot, got some coffee and breakfast, and made beach food. We made it to the beach, found a good parking spot immediately, and managed to hit the sand without incident. Woot! We met up with friends and the kids scattered like cockroaches while I rummaged for sunscreen, my hat and my beachchair.

Ian is the sand-crab digger. He will spend hours hoping to find the biggest one on the planet.
And then keep digging for yet an even bigger one. He did eventually venture out into the crazy waves but went right back to being the professional sand-crab finder (and creeping me out with them).

The waves were insane. They were the biggest I can ever remember seeing. Sean was even wary for a short while saying "too big, too powerful." However, having a great friend by your side makes everything easier.

That's Jake and Sean on the bottom right, cracking up. They are 17 days apart in age; they met just before their 2nd birthday. Even though we don't see Jake and his fantastic family much the kids get along splendidly. They just 'get' each other. (can you see the wave crashing in the background!)

It was even cooler to watch bunches of the kids in our group venture out together. They would find a comfort zone in the rolling waves and all jump in together.

Left to right.....Ben (9), Amanda (10), Jake(12), Sean (12), Marin (almost 11)
And, believe it or not, I even got in the take pictures. Here is my favorite of Amanda.
I really need to get my zoom lense fixed b/c the Pacific Ocean is COLD!
I don't think Jake came out for more than five minutes the entire time we were there. Since I was 'used' to the water at this point, I decided to venture in myself. I RARELY go near the toe-cramping salt water and the kids were shocked when I grabbed a board and joined in. Thanks to Nicole, there is proof of my insanity.
And, sweet Grace filled her day with sand play and lot of wave jumping.

That makes any day PERFECT in her eyes :)

Everyone made it safely through the day without a scratch except for the random bee sting that Ben ended up with. As if that wasn't a good enough day......add in ice cream on the way home and the knowledge that my crockpot was cooking, it was all good. To top off the day, Amanda had her first
tae-kwon-do belt testing. She held her head high (she doesn't do that often), displayed good posture, and did really well.

Through her rosey sunburnt cheeks (yes, she wore sunscreen and we re-applied), she was still able to flash me a proud smile. She should be proud! Such a fighter.

But wait, there's more.........we hit the pool for a while while our potatoes roasted because one can never have enough sunshine and water play. We had a yummy dinner and then it was time to do the kid switch and bring Jake to his family where I would also retrieve Maggie.  We met half-way in a Denny's parking lot (cue a country song, oh, nevermind) and like friends do the adults began to chat while the kids rocked out to blaring music/ car doors open/ windows down. All. the. while. my. batttttteeeerrryyyyy drained. Gah!

And that's the kicker. That is why it is a MOSTLY smooth day. Even better with the fact that Chad had jumper cables and I didn't have to wait for AAA in a random parking lot with four kids at 10pm. See, smooth :)

With summer days dwindling away, I will gladly take a few more of these MOSTLY smooth ones. (minus the bee sting and sunburn of course).