Friday, May 31, 2013

Making the most of May

In recent days, I find myself missing Irvine and all of our friends there. Maybe it's because the Irvine High family lost four teens in a terrible accident this last week or maybe it's because it is getting hot here and I'm longing for the beach, either way SoCal is on my mind. I miss my co-workers and the kiddos at Alderwood; there was laughter every day in one form or another and I really, really miss them all (including the times I was laughing at myself). I miss the incredible staff at Stonegate and all the amazing activities there. Most days I feel like a stranger in a strange land if I venture any place outside of my home but looking back, I think I have made the most of May.

I took a big leap into exercise with committing to an abs challenge. I figured I really need cardio too so I hit the pavement. I just added it up and I did 46.86 miles on road - WITH MY FEET. And, no one was chasing me. Me? And I didn't break out in hives (broke a lot of sweat though). The abs challenge was killer, but who knew that I could do a 145 sec plank; 45 Russian twists (when I figured out how to do them correctly), and 100 sit-ups in one session. Me? The scale doesn't say that I accomplished much but two of my children said my butt looks skinnier and this is what my arms are starting to resemble.
Far from perfection, but much better than it was. I will continue on in my quest, but I foresee more workouts at the community center since the heat is setting in.

Many appointments have been scheduled and conquered. Maggie is in braces; all the kids have had dental cleanings; Collin and I have had physicals and other assorted tests. Amanda has an IEP plan for 6th grade (middle school here) and I am now a licensed driver in the state of Texas.

Making the most of May wouldn't be complete without recognizing the fact that this is the 8th blog post for me this month. I haven't blogged this much since July 2010. So, I'm happy about that. Still keeping up with my resolutions for the year so I'll call it a successful plan.

Now I just need to develop a plan/schedule for the summer hoping to make the most of our summer days. However, I want to make sure I take time to stop and smell the roses, literally. My rose bush that I planted out front is blooming nicely thanks to our weekly thunderstorms. So even though I'm missing Irvine, Texas has been a good move for our family and I'm jumping into June with both feet running.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Color me aggravated

According to Flylady, it's anti-procrastination day. Ok, I'll bite. That exercise that I procrastinated doing by an extra hour actually DID get done so that was bonus calories burned on a draggy morning. I'm not going to complain about that. of 2:35 this afternoon I am beyond aggravated.

I tried to be productive. I really did. I was going to check GET A TEXAS DRIVER'S LICENSE off my list. Keyword - WAS. I completed my online forms, printed them out, and gathered up the other random papers (this includes my CA license, my ss card, my birth cert., a city bill showing my current address). Armed with my charged Nook, I was ready to be there for hours. I was going to be productive.

I get there to find out "you don't have what you need". What? Pre-completed forms and FOUR forms of identification. Nope, not good enough. Apparently, I need my marriage license AND another form of proof of residence. I'm not even kidding. Can you see the stream coming out of my ears? (and this doesn't even include car registration; that's a completely different office within your own county, oooookkkkkk)

So, that 42 mile trek was all for nothing. Sigh. (at least I get decent priced gas with my Kroger discount) And then I get home to read THIS in the brochure "Unless you are surrendering a valid, unexpired out-of-state driver license, you must be able to show you have lived in Texas for at least 30 days prior to application."  HUH?? I was there planning to surrender my CA license and I had proof of residency. I am either stupid or confused. Why couldn't I wait in line today?........steam.....

STILL determined to be able to check something off my list of random things to do I grabbed the phone and decided to make a dentist appt. for the kids and a physical appt. for myself. The kids are scheduled for Saturday and I'm set for Friday afternoon. Yeah, for being able to mark TWO things off the list!!!!! comes the but.......WHY do I have to provide every drop of personal information over the phone JUST to get an appointment? I know we are first time patients and all that; I know there will be a gazillion forms. So, why does scheduling an appt. take at least a 10 min. phone call. It seems like a lot of people spend a lot of time doing work twice and this is one of those situations, ugh.

And, on another note, key people in the IRS can simply plead the fifth. Is it really that simple? To hide and get out of a scandal, you can just plead the fifth or say "I don't remember." Many so-called leaders of this country are NOT leaders, they are cowards. Dishonest cowards.

And, my scale still hasn't budged.

BUT, my anti-procrastination day was a success with two small things marked off the list. And I'm off to mark off two more things ----finish emptying the bathroom box of random stuff and watch 'Ellen' with the kids because she makes me laugh and my frustration will go away.

You WILL NOT get the best of me Texas DMV; well, at least maybe not until next week.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Keeping it real

I finished my first 5k in two years this morning. I am proud to say that I did it in 38:50 with an 11:58 per mile pace. That's good for me and faster (and farther) than any of my workouts to this date. I didn't finish last. But with all the adrenaline rolling through my veins, I still get frustrated when I look at the world around me. Here is what I do know:
- I love the race atmosphere; so I'm going to sign up for Run or Dye on 6/22 (because I have to set small goals and commitments or I will quit).
- I am 43 years old and out of shape but I hit the road for 9.46 miles last week and 14.3 this week. It's better than sitting on the couch that entire time, but I'm not going to be smug and call myself a runner or that I love 'getting out there.' It still sucks as far as I'm concerned because I'm not seeing results.
- I have been doing an ab challenge along with my road work. And although, I can now plank for 85 seconds and such, I still feel aggravated.
- I have been exercising steadily since the beginning of May and the scale has not moved at all. I do not pretend to be an exercise guru and have to force myself to move forward as I want to turn around and come home. I try to channel Bob or Jillian from the The Biggest Loser and remind myself that I can run for 30 more yards before I can walk.
- I know I shouldn't let the scale define me
 but seeing some sort of results would be nice.
- I am not going to pretend that I eat totally clean, paleo, or gluten-free. I will say that I am drinking about 80oz. of water a day, eating at least 5-a-day of fruits and veggies (often closer to 7), and focus on eating whole grains if I'm consuming breads, etc. That has to account for something?
-I am aware of everything that goes in my mouth these days. I was tempted to grab a burger and fries while out yesterday but opted for a 6-inch roasted chicken sandwich from Subway with some baked chips. These choices HAVE to account for something, right?
-I was fully aware of the two donuts I inhaled after the race today. Like the title says - keeping it real.
-I am trying to set a better example for my children. Trying to send the message that exercise isn't always easy or fun, but better health is important.  Their Mom who adores sleeping in got up and out the door by 7:15am on a Saturday. (And I hope they remember that tomorrow is my off day so I will be sleeping in.)
Reality is that I have to be comfortable in my own skin. I have to keep moving forward for MY health. I have to stop focusing on what other people can do or how much better other people look - that is REALLY hard for me. There is no magic pill; it takes hard work and commitment. And even with hard work and commitment, I still likely won't look like other people. And if I want to eat some potato chips I am going to.
Today's race didn't finish with any big hoopla or crowds of cheering people. There was no medal at the end...just the satisfaction of knowing that I ran 3.2 miles for charity. All I got at the end was a hug of pride from my husband and a cold bottle of water from Ian. And 472 calories burned. That I'm sure I promptly negated with the donuts but that's what I call keeping it real.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I feel it is my duty to let you know that So You Think You Can Dance starts tonight on Fox. Season 10; I'm sure it will be amazing. Makes my summer complete.

Can't Wait!!!! Set your DVR.

Now back to making dinner so we can zoom through the commercials :)
(with my finger the mute button in case Mary Murphy starts cackling)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sharing a day; it's all good (mostly)

Happy Birthday to the girl who made me a Mom 15 years ago......
My Maggie.....with beautiful blonde hair and striking blue eyes (and cute clothes from H&M, not A&F), she came into this world with a strong voice that she still uses to this day. I'm proud of her talents in singing, dance, drama, and band. She is a performing arts 'nerd' (her words) and pretty much a mini-me (she's way better than I ever was). She loves learning to cook too.
She is my guinea pig at this Mom gig. Poor soul. She challenges me a lot (especially when she challenged me to this piggy back shot)
but overall she is a great kid who makes friends easily, is trustworthy, and knows what modesty means. She is most happy when listening to show tunes and eating carbs (my kind o' gal). I love her to pieces even when she thinks I don't. (If you are reading this Mag, get off your phone and clean your room for 15 min. :))
This Mother's Day reminds me of the blessings I do have in my children:
Amanda is fiercely independent, nurturing, and a hard worker. She has a soft heart for babies and animals. (now if she had such a soft heart with her siblings) She said she wants to be a nurse or physical therapist for kids in rehab "like she had." She makes me proud.

and these two turkeys boys bring me such joy and anxiety all wrapped into one. For those interested, yes - Sean is really that much taller than me now and Ian is doing his best to keep up (note the on-the-toes pose). Someone once told me that 'boys adore their Daddy, but hold their Mom's heart' (or something like that). It is absolutely true. I love my girls but these boys melt my heart like no other. And geez, can they smell like no other.
And this little guy, I love him too. He and Ian happily greeted me with coffee in bed so I can't complain.

These flowers are sprucing up my kitchen nicely. So I'm not gonna complain about those either.
But, you will hear me complaining loudly if I have to clean up the dinner dishes like I did the breakfast ones. (give me credit, I lasted five hours and when they didn't get touched I got a tad witchy.) 
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms I make a difference everyday even if it doesn't seem like it! I hope everyone has time to reflect on the blessing(s) in their lives and has a few moments of peace. Because, let's be real, the laundry that isn't getting done today will still be staring at us tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Fuming mad....rant alert!

Have you heard about the idiot (that is polite for douche-canoe) that is the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch? How he only welcomes 'the cool kids'........if you haven't, read this. She sums it up pretty well. To me Mr. Jeffries looks like the kid from The Mask; and this poor kid couldn't do anything about his appearance because he had an disease/ he was an amazing human being; Mr. Jeffries chooses to look this way in an attempt to be 'cool.' Really? Do you own a mirror?

I won't go on about his appearance because that has nothing to do with the real issue. The issue is his agenda. His agenda is pure and simple - only the skinny cool kids can shop here; if you don't fit my mold, you aren't welcome. (and I would like them to look like whores too!). It is a free country and he is a business-man. He is free to do whatever he chooses; and I have the freedom to tell him to go take a leap.  And I have the freedom to encourage others to boycott his stores What teen-age girl doesn't have some sort of self-esteem issue.....from something as simple to how her hair looks to big things like how her body is shaped and what number her size is.....

So, I will offer you some alternatives that are super cute and WAY more reasonable on the bank account.    super cute and only $9.95
or this appropriate and only $17.95 (there is actually fabric and not meager remnants of denim)
or this not sure about the length but it covers more than a lot of clothing out there

Then there is always Old Navy for basic tees and shorts too. In reality, some of my most comfy basic pieces are from Costco, but that's just me.

So, before I get off my soapbox, I urge you to avoid A&F like the plague. There are many reasonable options out there. Please shop somewhere else.

Your ears will thank you as well.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday musings #3

Another Monday is quickly upon us and I feel the need to blog. Things are rolling along at a swift pace and before I know it the kids will be out for summer and asking the dreaded "what are we doing today?" So on this May 6th, here's a little brain dump...
  • Spring is here in full bloom and we've got the Zyrtec to prove it.
  • Ian had his football evals last Saturday morning; they had about 750 kids total on the day for the program. And they have more registration this Sat. THAT is a big football program.  (and it only goes up to 6th grade)
  • Maggie turns 15 on Sunday. We are debating over who gets to rule the day since it's Mother's Day.....I say 'I get the day b/c I brought you in to this world!'/ she says 'but I'll only turn 15 once!'
  • She starts with orthodontia on May16th....happy belated birthday to her, muhahaha.
  • We took a road trip this weekend down to Seabrook to attend a crawfish boil held annually by one of Collin's college buddies. Crawfish, cocktails, lots of laughter, and fresh seafood to take home from Galveston Bay. Simple goodness; thank you for the hospitality Adams Family :)
  • The family dipped their feet in the warm waters of Galveston Bay. I think the first comment was 'this is sooooo much warmer than the Pacific.' Fritz was running around like a crazy fool so he loved the water too.
  • I filled my car up for $41.75 today. I paid $2.76 per gallon with my Kroger discount. Sweet.
  • I exercised today. Yes, you should mark it on your calendar right along with me.
  • I am doing a 5K in two weeks. Let's hope I don't embarrass myself.
  • Dinner tonight is broccoli beef and fried rice (scratch) with orange chicken (frozen Costco) and fresh pineapple. Tomorrow is gumbo (shrimp, chicken, saus.) with rice. Help - I haven't meal planned for May completely. I did buy fresh basil and parsley plants today, though.
  • still doing Flylady; I love having my house clean. Yes - I know we haven't been here a month and I'm not totally unpacked, but my family can make a huge mess in a short amount of time. It was very refreshing to be able to hit the road quickly and come home to a relatively clean house. And the laundry is a lot less annoying since I'm doing small manageable tasks. (and the kids are actually keeping their dishes out of the sink and putting them in the dishwasher, woot.) Small victories.
  • I did get a quick fix on my camera lens at a local camera shop (they literally called the guy the lens chiropractor and the lens cracked when he 'fixed' the tweek; it works so I'll call it good for now)
  • Things to do....DMV remains on the list; add schedule a doctor's appt for a physical for me; find the hardware for the boys' bunk beds; get the old fridge and gas dryer put on Craigslist.
And to end on a sappy note, go hug your loved ones. Last week I lost a high school friend to a random freak accident (that happened while her loved ones watched in horror and could do nothing). In the blink of an eye she lost her life. RIP dear Paula.  It has been a serious reminder to me that even with all the busy stuff going on (as noted in my brain dump above) I always have time to stop and tell my kids and my husband 'I love you' before they walk out the door.

Friday, May 03, 2013

New blog address/ relocation ramblings, episode 5

I figured it only appropriate to adjust my blog address to reflect our location. So, now it is I hope the handful of people who read here can still find me.

SO how is Texas?
I would answer with so far/so good.
Here's a picture of the house from when we first arrived.
and here is a view from the backyard
this was from the first time Ian and Fritz were out there running around.
We really love the view. Tons of birds, squirrels, rabbits, turtles, ducks, an occasional crane, and geese sometimes.
Overall, it is really nice. Our neighborhood is located in a nice community and Amanda and Ian are able to walk to and from school. Sean and Maggie take the bus from a stop three houses down. (Can I say the mornings are quite pleasant with different wake times and out-the-door times. Maggie has about 35min on her own with no one to argue with about the bathroom. Small victories.) There is tons of shopping close by so I feel like I'm still in Irvine yet don't know where I'm going most of the time. The kids seem to be adjusting and making friends. Ah, friends. I miss them so much. (especially this little chicklet, Miss Gracie - this is how she said 'good-bye' to each of us/ with nose kisses and forehead rubs)
 I am pretty much the lone ranger. Fritz keeps me company as I unpack and ramble about cleaning. I am pretty sure the friendly folks here think I'm crazy because I'll talk to anyone.....gotta have some adult conversation. The weather changes enough that it always makes for nice conversation, ya know.
I keep telling myself to 'give it time' but I'm not known for my patience.

One of the reasons we moved was to be closer to family. And we already took advantage of that opportunity. Our roadtrip to NOLA this weekend was swift but fun. The kids got to hang out (literally) with my Mom and the cousins for a few. Add in some great food, SNOBALLS, and some time with the Caluda family and I would call it a success.
Collin and I made it to the Theta Xi 50th Anniver. Formal. We got to dress up like grown-ups and hang with some old friends. We even went to The Bulldog (same location/new name), a bar we used to go to in college. So, it was even more fun for me because I had friends :)
So as Ian would say 'life is good!'
(except for the barf that Fritz just blessed me with, thanks pal)