Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Taking it in stride


Well, sorta.

Two of my kids have summer session tutorial and one has a strength & conditioning camp (bet you can guess who that is!) so there is no sleeping-in happening for me. And the schedule is dumb -- drop-off 8am, drop-off 8:30am, drop-off 10am, pick-up 10:30am, pick-up 11am, pick-up 11:30am. See, dumb! BUT I'm trying to take it all in stride because it is not for very long and we have most of the day to do something. Except, it is HOT; really HOT already. Supposed to be 97 today with a heat index of 100. Beyond the pool I am out of ideas because funds are tight.

This past weekend we met some really nice neighbors. There was food, drinks, and lots of sports smack talk so hopefully we will get invited back. It is nice to feel like I know somebody just a few doors down and Ian has multiple playmates at his fingertips. Just yesterday he had two buddies join him for some fishing. Oh - speaking of buddies......Sean is quite the social butterfly. I keep reminding myself that him being here with his friends is a good thing but Saturday night they tp'd Maggie's room while she slept and last night they pt'd Ian's room. It is hilarious harmless fun and he is making good choices overall but young teenage boys are like a litter of puppies.....they are rough and tumble; they eat a lot; and they are loud. I am grateful they are house-trained at least. Deep breath - take it in stride because all too soon he'll be striding off to bigger and scarier things like driving, girlfriends, and college.

I am still working on striding through exercise too. Last week I hit 15 miles!!!! I decided to keep a journal of my daily exercise because I need to SEE what I'm doing because the scale isn't showing me anything. My stride may never look like this
and you likely won't see me running at sunrise (or on a beach either) but I am moving forward and that has to account for something.

So as you stride through life today try to stop and think about things you can be grateful for. For me, I would say:
1) the fact that my a/c works
2) children who have transitioned through our move VERY well
3) good running shoes.

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