Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday thoughts

Just some random thinking for a Thursday:
1) Band season is in full swing. We experienced our first Friday Night Lights late week when we attended the Homecoming game. Band was great; football was awful. Hoping it was just a bad week for the team.
2) Sean made the 'A' team for 8th grade football. He is pretty excited about it. We are proud of him and all his hardwork. Rolling out of bed at 6am for early morning practice is gnarly but at least it isn't in the blazing TX heat. His first game is Monday and we can't wait!
3) Yesterday was 9/11.....I really need to stop watching all the dedications and such. I had no idea 12 years ago how sad the entire history making episode would still be. I have never been to NY; didn't know anyone in the towers; cannot even grasp the enormity of it all (still!). And it still makes me cry. We will never forget.
4) And as 9/11 passes, it means Amanda's birthday is approaching. I remember being a month away from my due date. How is she almost 12?
5) And that means Christmas shopping is upon us. (It's been Christmas season at Costco and Hobby Lobby for a month!) I will admit I have one small gift and three stocking stuffers so far. But that hardly makes a dent in reality. Sean is easy - he just wants Beats headphones and a pool table, um what????
6) On Sunday, Fritz was SICK. Poor little thing could hardly walk and barfed projectile vomited on the carpet. He didn't move for hours and could barely lift his head to his bowl for water. Then after about 6 hours he started emerging back to life. So weird; wonder if he ate one of the baby (one-inch long) lizards we keep finding in the house. Side note: vinegar and water works wonder on carpet!
7) Currently we are going through about three loaves of bread a week. GAH! That's 25 sandwiches for lunches (Sean has two) + any I might eat and random toast for breakfast. Good heavens.
8) I added on another merchandising job. So currently I'm up to sunglasses for two stores and jewelry at one, all Targets. With other small projects added on here and there I am making about 65% of what I did in CA; not bad on 15hrs. or less a week. I worked about 28/week in Irvine.
9) Ian got his cast off yesterday. Woot! He is in a boot for a short bit though. Based on what was under his cast (leaves, grass, etc.), the doc thought we should give him a reminder that he is nursing an injury and that he can't go crazy again just yet.
10) And one final note, it's not hump day, but the commercial still makes me laugh everyone single time!
Hoping your Thursday is filled with something that makes you laugh too!

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