Sunday, October 27, 2013

Time is flying....

How is it that I haven't posted in over a month? But even more mind boggling is the fact that we have been in Texas for 6-1/2months!!! (and some of our Irvine friends have moved to Austin too!) The last month has been a blur but I did have a few random notes to blog about so here is a sample of life:
1) Fall is HERE.....regular rain, cool temps, and changing leaves. The geese have arrived on the pond. It is so nice to actually have a change of season. And weird dry Santana winds aren't involved.
3) The clear blue sky here is simply beautiful, yet sometimes blinding. My body had forgotten what a sky looked like after being hidden in a layer of smog for 20 years.
2) Scrapbooking is good for my soul. I am happy to say that Sean's school album is completely up to date. He is officially in 8th grade. Ian, on the other hand, is still in preschool. Small victories, right?
3) Sick pets SUCK. No polite way to put it. Fritz had a terrible bout of pancreatinitis and many $$$ later he has recovered thankfully. But, I can't imagine if he gets sick again. Our finances can't handle it.
4) School projects are bad enough but the overachieving parents need to just STOP IT already! Stop doing your kids work for them please; you aren't helping them become successful. Let them earn their own grades. Unless you plan do their work projects when they become adults, teach them now how to plan and meet deadlines. Thanks :)
5) Pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins make my family very happy; maybe as happy as a pumpkin spice latte for me.
6) I have started Christmas shopping. The reality that it is less than two months away is crazy. I get confused because as far as retail goes I think they started with Christmas decorations in July.
7) Why is there such hysteria over the 'What Does the Fox Say?' I still think I have been punked and these guys are making money over this insanity. What happened to real music? And why does this song get stuck in my head?
8) However, the dog teaser video that went viral on YouTube is beyond funny. Here it is if you haven't seen it....our family now uses this reaction for everything..blahhhhh! Much better than real whining.
and last but not least
9) Enjoy this bit of great performing. Band has really been a great (albeit exhausting) experience for Maggie. They are busy with football games and competition season. Here is there show performance. They won the Classic on the Lake but yesterday they didn't qualify to go to state to represent our area. I think they are awesome and should be really proud of their hardwork:;


The Foil Hat said...

First - a curse upon you for putting that song back into my head. Gah!

Second - AMEN on asking parents to stop doing their kids' projects (papers and homework too) for them.

Thanks for the update.

Nicole said...

So fun to read your update- I just posted four posts to try and catch up for the month...still not caught up!