Monday, January 21, 2013

Leaving the SoCal sunsets behind

Yes, we are moving to Texas. Lots of mixed emotions......
1) sad - because we will leave behind great friends and the community/comfort zone we have come to know. GREAT friends, work friends, school friends, theater friends, sports friends, sigh. We will make new friends, but it won't be the same. And we will MISS the beach.
2) intimidated -New schools, new community, and new roads to travel are all pretty intimidating.
3) overwhelmed - when Collin and I moved to CA 22yrs. ago (crazy, huh?), it was just he and I with a U-haul, two cars and tablets for communicating essential things like 'I need gas', 'I have to pee, etc. Now there are six of us and a dog that need to shuffle through this transition. Moving across town is one thing; moving across the country is a whole 'nother ballgame!
4)  excited - embracing the idea of buying a house that we can make our home and getting out of this 1500sqft cracker box. Our mortgage has potential to be HALF (or more) of what our rent is......and we could maybe have a pool (for my water-loving children it's a must)......and a yard.
5) relieved - the last four years have been so tough and I'm hoping that a new job and new location is a fresh start financially. AND we will be able to road trip to visit family and not hinge our travels on six pricy airline tickets.
6) proud - proud of my husband for branching out into territories unknown. He is good at what he does and doesn't take NO for an answer. He stuck with this job search and landed a position that he is anxious and excited to start. He has worked his tail off trying to provide for our family.
7) exhausted --- and the hardwork hasn't even begun. Sooooo, many things to decide. And yet, nothing to decide until Collin gets there, settles in, and works while he explores housing options for us. When are we going (kids and I)? idea, maybe spring break/early April but who knows. Where are we going to live? idea, looking at greater Dallas area. But I can tell you 'What's for dinner?'......look on the calendar on the fridge :)

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

WHAT? Really?! Where are you going?!

We're supposed to be moving to Texas, too. Houston. By 2014 or the 1H of 2015. Several people I know who have already moved there, tell me that we'll love it.

I'm not so sure.

Let me know what you think!!