Friday, February 01, 2013

Re-focus one day at a time

(was supposed to post on 1/25 but I have internet connection issues)
No matter what your weight, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. Some people will say “you are fine, don’t stress” but I am one of those people who is NOT comfortable in my own skin. And I’m the only one who can fix it. So along with meal planning, I HAVE to jump on the exercise bandwagon. As much as I would like to say ‘I’m allergic to exercise’, I’m not. To kick myself into gear, today I downloaded two apps…..a Fooducate one that gives nutrition values, grades the item, food value pts. for diet programs, and suggests alternate food choices; the second app is the MyFitnessPal Calorie Counter. Super cool! – I can input my daily food intake, input exercise, note water consumption, and make notes. It also calculates how many calories I can eat along with exercise to meet my goal weight.

Here’s the tricky part --- I can only eat 1200 calories. Huh? What? Say that again? Soooooo, after entering my food intake up to 4pm I was in the RED and heading toward dinner. Lovely! Just when I thought I had a good day.  Here is what I ate today…..

Breakfast – banana, one slice of ww toast with tbsp. peanut butter

Snack – 60cal Colby jack cheese stick with ½ cup soybeans

Lunch – small piece leftover chicken pot pie, an orange

Snack – piece cinnamon chocolate cake from Starbucks (THIS is the killer, grrrr)

So, up until 4pm, I had three servings of fruit and veg and about 9 cups of water. And I technically had no calories left for dinner. Seriously?!?!?! I have to eat dinner. I logged it in and found myself majorly in the red. Dinner was two tuna patties, roasted red potatoes, and steamed carrots. I got my five a day of fruit/veg in and THREE more cups of water.

AND, in my desperation, found myself exercising at 9:45PM! 25 minutes of Just Sweat on the Xbox, two sets of sit-ups/leg lifts/crunches. Better than a sharp stick in the eye, but geez the program said I would lose a total of two pounds over five weeks if I kept up with my days like today. NO WONDER I can’t lose weight. I watch what I eat 85% of the time; I eat breakfast, pack snacks and small lunch for work, DO NOT fall to temptation in the teachers’ lounge (on most days), and drink lots of water. I have about one diet soda a week and maybe an occasional iced tea or lemonade. I drink a beer or a glass of wine MAYBE once a month. It’s truly the lack of exercise. I am blogging about this because I need to hold myself accountable and will hopefully see some results. I have a picture but I'm saving it for comparison.
2/1 Update: one week down!!!! and doing good with calorie limits/ it even told me one day I wasn't eating enough. Exercised three days of the week. We'll see how Superbowl Sunday goes.....I might need a 'cheat' day.


The Foil Hat said...

Joy - the Superbowl is definitely a cheat day. I think you're being hard on yourself. Have you ever tried something low carb? I just read the book Wheat Belly and it's got me thinking (as I eat my bagel in the morning lol). I think a lot of the book makes sense, it's just making the changes.

Joy H said...

I haven't heard of it Amy ....trying to eat minimal carbs through's either whole wheat or fruit....sooooo much crap out there has loads of sugar

Joy H said...
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