Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sometimes survival mode is good enough

Things have been pretty routine and smooth overall. Ya know, the regular routine of work, homework, making dinner, dishes, etc. 
Today started off better than usual, with warm grits on the stove and hot chicken soup in thermoses for lunches. I've been battling a sore throat and a bit of a cold so they sounded good. The day was rolling along nicely. Work went smoothly then I lost track of time at the park with the kids afterschool and forget to pick up Maggie on time. Oooops......then it sorta went down hill. She and I headed to Sprint to get Sean's 13th(!) bday gift; it only took two hours. Thanks to security questions and passwords we can't remember, combined with a husband in TX who is the main account holder, it was a bit of a fiasco to get my dear son his Iphone 4S. (His excitement will outweigh the annoyance I'm sure.)  Disaster averted, I headed home to toss together dinner and my voice is d.o.n.e. My cold has settled into laryngitis (last time I had this was when Amanda was in ICU; so stress = laryngitis for me I guess). Not my best dinner.....popcorn-coated chicken, Kraft mac n' cheese, and raw carrots/cucumbers with ranch.....sad, but they got feed. I tossed some extra chicken strips into the oven to bake so I could make chicken salad and off I trotted to attempt to read with Amanda. Well, let's just say, the strips got forgotten. I won't even feed it to Fritz.
It makes for a funny picture-of-the-day I guess.
Completely voice-less I stumbled through bedtime routine and tackled the mound of dishes. Here, I sit drinking the remains of my hours-old caramel latte and munching an oatmeal raisin cookie. Not even, chocolate chip because I gave that up for Lent.
I'll pass on a do-over of today, but can I go back to Monday when Ian made homemade dot-to-dot messages for me to complete......

I'm so glad that I'm still rolling with my picture-a-day goal because sometimes looking back makes looking forward easier. Looking forward to tomorrow isn't easy when my 2nd child turns 13!

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