Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Morning Musings

Not sure I'll get to this every Monday morning, but ideally I'll stop and take the time to jot down some things that I'm thankful for, commitments of the week, maybe some recipes, and whatever my brain dumps out.
Today I am thankful for:
-free coffee Monday at Dunkin Donuts (and I didn't even know about it!). I got free coffee in a travel mug no less. That's like winning the lottery for me :)
-warm spring breezes
-Direct TV installation (if they would just get here already!) Need to program Deadliest season starts tomorrow.
-time to sit and a read a few blogs and laugh at the world. If you don't mind a little bad language, you must check out and laugh with me
-strangers that are willing to extend a hand to someone totally new and they help you move in AND bring you food.
-a working washer and dryer
-school busses
-a Sprout's within minutes of my house

Anyone have any favorite spring recipes that are relatively healthy? I need to meal plan for the 2nd half of the month and I would love some new ideas. I can't figure out Pinterest to save my life and it leaves me feeling inadequate anyway. Guess I am not an overachiever.

I need to read Catching Fire before the movie comes out. I enjoyed Hunger Games but am dragging my feet on this one. The movie trailer was intriguing so I guess I'll get sucked into the madness.

Still on the to-do list - exercise. Gonna have to 'schedule' it because I am not self-motivated. It's on the list with a sports physical for Sean, IEP update mtg. for Amanda, DMV trip for car reg., camera repairs, unpacking, and grocery shopping.

Enough computer time for this Monday, bed to be made and boxes remain......

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