Friday, November 17, 2006

So.....where have I been?
Well, my computer got pulled down off the desk and it wonked the mouse connection. Therefore, I have had very abbreviated computer time using dh's laptop AND I haven't ventured to see if GeekSquad will be able to fix the other computer. I HAVE TO retrieve my Memory Manager software with all my organized photos; somehow THAT has to be recovered. Everything else would be lagniappe.

The hustle and bustle of the holidays is approaching. Can you even believe that Thanksgiving is next week? Where are all of your recipe suggestions?????? Hmmmm?

Since I'm married to Clark Griswald the much-anticipated prep of Christmas decorations has begun. It all started when he helped my neighbor unload her new Three Wise Men lights. (picture deer in the headlights; wheels spinning; WHAT? He will not be outdone!) This could get ugly. He is still trying to figure out how to decorate the monster tree outfront (it's taller than our house). He's chomping at the bit to hit Costco for MORE stuff. The kids don't help by saying 'we are gonna beat that guy' everytime we drive by one of the infamous/decorated/get-your-name-in the-paper houses around the corner. I'm thinking the new Danny Devito movie 'Deck the Halls' is going to hit a little too close to home (if ya know what I mean).


Anonymous said...

ROFL...oh my gosh, that Deck the Halls comment really got me. I even have that as a title page in one of my scrapbooks from a Christmas Visit. I think this year our holiday gift swapping will definitely be at your house :)

Nicole said...

I can't wait to see his creation! Hope the business is going gang busters so you can afford to light all the decorations!! Thanks for the fun scrap night!!!