Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The girl's got bling!
Maggie got glasses for doing boardwork and far away stuff like overheads. OF COURSE, she choose the frames with extra bling (sunglasses clip-on included). There was no convincing her otherwise. Honestly, I shouldn't suggest anything at all b/c my choices are completely and utterly ridiculous according to her. She is almost 9, don't I know better????
They came in a darling faux snakeskin mini-purse and she hasn't managed to break them or forget them yet. She says they really help, so I'm hoping that in combination with the vision therapy, she will be on her way to more school success.


Anonymous said...

Mags looks so stinkin' cute !! Isn't it sad that we've become dorks in their eyes already ?

Amy in Orlando said...

I want bling-y glasses too! She looks awesome.

The Amazing Trips said...

She's adorable!! When I had a pair (197?), the term "bling" wasn't even around!!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful!!!! LOVE THEM.

I hope she has better luck than Tori. Who is now on pair number 3. @@