Thursday, May 24, 2007

What do I do all day???? Just your typical Mom stuff I guess, BUT some days just make me shake my head more than last week, I created my sock graveyard. Really, how many weeks do I need to keep gathering this assortment up and hoping that 'I'll have a match for that in the next load.' Please note: NOT ONE OF THESE lonely buggers belongs to me.

And then yesterday -- long, story short ---- can you picture me fishing over 30 of those STUPID Magnetix silver balls out of the hallway sink drain? Picture me with tweezers holding the builder strands clinked together / slowly lowering it down, hearing the click, & hoping that each ball will stay magnetized w/o gravity pulling my strand apart & further down the drain. It worked like a charm; I thought I was sooooo clever. Ian observed (I'm sure formulating his own grand plan) as I muttered 'how many more could there be?' He replied with his sweet little cherub chirp: 'lots!'
(note to self: remember the story of when DH dropped matchbox cars down into his parents' gas tank. Weeeeeee, splash!)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Miss Maggie TURNS 9!!!!!!! How can it be?

This photo on the right is too funny! She opened it and immediately proclaimed "OOOOO, Heather-wear!" Yes, Heather S.; it's b/c of you :) Heather is the best dresser and always put together; I bought a cool top recently and said it was 'Heather-wear'. I didn't even now Maggie knew what I meant! Thanks for having good taste, Heather.

The IPOD Shuffle; I'm REALLY, REALLY tired of Radio Disney. So now Maggie can have her own tunes when we are in the car. I don't mind the occasional kid's CD even, but I'm OVER Radio Disney. Daddy got the best hug of THANKS; apparently she thinks he was the final decision maker in the deal. I'm OK with that; but she still isn't even close to getting a cell phone.

Friday, May 11, 2007

WAVING THE WHITE FLAG......................U.N.C.L.E........Mercy, I give.

This was our Tuesday evening schedule (on the calendar)....
Sean --4-7:15pm baseball(includes warm-up time & game, but it's commitment time to me)
6:30-7:30 religion class........scratch number one b/c of serious overlap and it's
one of the last classes
Maggie--play rehearsal from 6-8pm
ballet from 6-7 pm......scratch number two b/c she knows the recital dance & the play
is new; she can't miss initial rehearsals
Amanda -- baseball game 5:15pm warm-up to 6:45 game end.........scratch number three b/c I
can't be everywhere at once and no one can be left alone except Mag at
the play, gah! (psst, she didn't even know it was scheduled b/c she can't
read, I'm terrible)
Ian -- enjoy the car shuffle and a few minutes of Sean's game.

This is just pure insanity. I have the kids pick two things each; Maggie is the exception b/c right now she just started a play (and girl scouts is just about over). Ian isn't even IN anything yet. AND my dh does the shuffling to get Sean to baseball b/c even at 7yo Sean can't function w/o one of us there. He likes to be tough but he is extremely sensitive about that kind of stuff.

I'm going to chalk it up to bad timing for a bit; work out carpool for the play and then pray that it gets better.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

One pooped pup!
We are still enjoying our walks and so does Fritz, but he is so funny when we get home. After a quick drink, he crashes on the cool tile floor, might as well put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on him b/c he is d.o.n.e.

Baseball is still going well. Sean's team is currently in first place, GO RED SOX! I signed him up for football today too; we are excited about that. He'll play flag football instead of tackle; I'm really happy about that. I'm not quite ready to watch my dude get smushed.

Amanda remains the queen of her tee-ball team. She does really well and LOVES sliding into home plate. Everyone thinks she is hilarious and precious with her bright yellow hair bow - GO PIRATES!

Maggie auditioned for 'Once Upon a Mattress'; she completed her call back so we are anxiously awaiting the cast posting tomorrow afternoon. She, Sean, and I went to see the theatre's production of Peter Pan tonight -- fun and done well.

Last, but not least, Mr. Ian. He's doing great but the biggest candy thief you've ever seen. He will scam it off of anyone and if that doesn't work he goes into stealth mode to get some on his own. The little turd. BUT his smile and charm do melt my heart.