Saturday, May 05, 2007

One pooped pup!
We are still enjoying our walks and so does Fritz, but he is so funny when we get home. After a quick drink, he crashes on the cool tile floor, might as well put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on him b/c he is d.o.n.e.

Baseball is still going well. Sean's team is currently in first place, GO RED SOX! I signed him up for football today too; we are excited about that. He'll play flag football instead of tackle; I'm really happy about that. I'm not quite ready to watch my dude get smushed.

Amanda remains the queen of her tee-ball team. She does really well and LOVES sliding into home plate. Everyone thinks she is hilarious and precious with her bright yellow hair bow - GO PIRATES!

Maggie auditioned for 'Once Upon a Mattress'; she completed her call back so we are anxiously awaiting the cast posting tomorrow afternoon. She, Sean, and I went to see the theatre's production of Peter Pan tonight -- fun and done well.

Last, but not least, Mr. Ian. He's doing great but the biggest candy thief you've ever seen. He will scam it off of anyone and if that doesn't work he goes into stealth mode to get some on his own. The little turd. BUT his smile and charm do melt my heart.

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