Thursday, August 23, 2007

FOUR's a turning pt. for many's the point at which some women start to figure out they are pregnant -- BUT that is NOT why four weeks is so important to me. And four weeks is not the number of weeks until my kids go back to school (that's even better --TWO weeks) It's significant to me BECAUSE that is how long it took for my kitchen to go from demolished to polished; YES, you read that right. 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks! Now we still have to put up the peninsula lights; get the tile backsplash picked out & installed; and get the ceiling re-drywalled (don't ask, grrrr!) and figure out why our new micro. keeps blowing the breaker. Little details that mean nothing b/c I can WASH DISHES again in a real sink and I can make dinner w/o attempting to grill (keyword: attempt).

Lookie: this is waiting for granite, oven, & cooktop

granite is Verde Peacock

cooktop & oven sans pull-out pantry

This is the LOVE part of my Thursday post. I LOVE my new programmable coffee pot.


Amy in Orlando said...

Joy, I have serious kitchen envy here. I cannot believe the transformation. 8)

Notes from the Trenches said...


I have cuisinart coffee pot too. So far that is all that I have usable in my kitchen ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is really pretty! We re-did our kitchen a few years ago. Never. Again!