Monday, October 22, 2007

Maggie had her bridging ceremony for Girl Scouts last week. She is officially a Junior Girl Scout. I wasn't sure if she was going to continue with scouting, but she opted for another year. Junior level has lots of opportunities that the younger girls just aren't ready for. We've already done Destination Unknown (a follow-the-clues/scavengur hunt to a mystery location -- we got to see the Angels win the AL West!) and the girls already have a plan for which badges they will work toward. We have such a nice group and meeting once a month fits our schedule nicely. Next up for Maggie (& Amanda) is auditioning for Christmas with Scrooge at our local community theatre.

1 comment:

Jen Muhlenbruck said...

:::sniff::: Look at that beautiful girl. I swear, you should open a baby factory, LOL.