Thursday, October 25, 2007

(pic. from Sunday evening)

So the good news is that the fire(s) aren't anywhere near to damaging us structurally.

The bad news is that we haven't been able to be outside since Sunday night. The kids have been at school, but are completely indoors for everything. SoCal IS NOT set up for this -- we don't have cafeterias or gymnasiums. (In other climates, worse case scenario if it's snowing, you can buddle up and go out. If it's raining, you grab some rain boots and go jump. WELL, if ash is covering everything and the air is smoke, you do NOTHING). I think the ash is more of a problem than earlier in the week b/c we no longer have the scary wind to blow it away. Ash covers everything that sits still for more than a few seconds. It's like a scene from a creepy movie; the sun is amber too. And now, the district has cancelled school for today. I think I'm going to declare it moviefest and let the kids veg on movies & popcorn.

Nothing like a little ash to make you appreciate and wish for good ole' SoCal smog.


Jen Muhlenbruck said...

((((Joy))) I hate that whole smoky/ash crap. We started getting the hazy smoky skies last night (sunset pic on my blog) and then this morning, I opened the slider and freaked out because it smelled like the fire was next door. It's amazing how far that smell can travel. The sky is completely overtaken by the smoke now. It's all blowing this way since the Santa Anas have stopped and the onshore winds picked up. Is Mannie feeling less nervous now ?

Anonymous said...

That is so creepy looking, Joy. How are things now?