Friday, March 28, 2008

Holy guacamole...........has it really been two weeks since I posted and hardly any at all in March. Well let me grab my calendar so I can give you a thorough update. My Mom brain smooshes all the days together and I can't remember what happens when.

Well, let's rewind back to Sean's 8th bday (2/22). The Cadillac arrived safe and sound. The kids were beyond THRILLED to get a ride home from school in it. The 6th grade boys were drooling and wondering if they could touch it, lol. Everywhere the Cadillac goes it draws a ton of attention. The funniest comment so far... "that's a pimpin' ride". I'm not sure Gpa Z. would even know what that meant. Sean chose Disneyland for his b-day; so we spent a great day there and I'm proud to announce that Maggie is now no longer character phobic!!!!!!

We moved through Girl Scout cookie season; had Opening Day for baseball; and Maggie and I finished up with the play, The Promised Land. We were both sick for the closing show, but nevertheless enjoyed every minute. We are taking a theater break and looking forward to the Sound of Music this summer.

On Monday, 3/17/08, I had a little party here for Ian's bday. It was his first 'party' and he loved every minute. It was the perfect party ---- 10am-1pm; 7 kids total; bouncy house; sticker craft; pinata; snacks & cake. I kept it all outside and by 1:30pm there was no evidence that a party ever occurred except for the bouncy in the driveway. Ian had a blast; the big kids bounced for hours afterschool and it was all good. Even better for me -- as of this day the play was over; GS cookies were done; and Ian's party was behind me. ahhhhhh.................don't get me wrong, we are still waaaaay busy with baseball (Sean & Amanda are both playing, seperate teams/practices/game locations); dance classes; and religion classes. Sean is prepping for his First Communion this April.

My friend Sandee and her kids came for the Easter weekend. We had a great time. Collin took her son and Sean fishing on Sat. AM and they only caught one spotted bass. Oh well, such is the adventure of fishing. Sean was so distracted by his extra fans that he didn't get on base once during his Sat. afternoon game; he was sooooo sad and frustrated. Of course, this past Tues. he went 3 for 3 again, lol. He is currently batting around 700. Amanda's game was too cute for words and we laughed at the little ones running in all directions and chasing the ball.

My nasty cold wound up being a killer sinus infection; I'm almost over it. I finally got the last touch done needed to complete the kitchen. I got the grout steam cleaned and we are in the process of sealing it all. (blech!) The kitchen is officially done. I've been a planting fool but that is another post in itself. On Tuesday, I got my hair chopped off (and I love it); Amanda sprained her wrist on Wed. sliding down the inside of the banister. Tonight is the Talent Show at school. Maggie and two friends are dancing to the new version of The Tiki Room. They choreographed it; it's pretty cute. Collin would rather have nails pounded under his fingernails but he is going to watch the talent show tonight; Maggie's act is in the late 2nd Act so his wait will be a painful one.

Blogger isn't letting me updates pics. right now so I'll try to get a slideshow together of all these adventures. Next week is conference week at school - oh yeah.

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