Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm out of blog ideas for today, so I'm posting 100 random things about me & my crazy life:

1. I love watching my kids play sports.
2. I love watching my kids in dance recitals and plays.
3. I love being in plays.
4. The first play I was in was 'Winnie the Pooh' in high school.
5. Kathlynn is my best friend from high school.
6. I miss her terribly.
7. Patricia is my first friend.
8. We grew up as neighbors and were inseperable.
9. Her daughter is my godchild.
10. I was there when Jennifer was born.
11. I miss them too.
12. Growing up in/near New Orleans was a blast.
13. I HATE mosquitos.
14. I should have focused more when I was at UNO.
15. I was a UNO Starlette for a couple of years.
16. I tried out for cheerleading once in college and couldn't do a stunt to save my life.
17. I met Collin at a fraternity party at UNO.
18. He broke up with his girlfriends of four years that night (not b/c of me).
19. I quit UNO two semesters before graduating to move to CA with Collin.
20. I graduated from Cal. State Fullerton.
21. I have a BS in Child Development.
22. I taught kindergarten at a private preschool for two years.
23. I never imagine I would have four kids.
24. Collin and I had been together for 7 years when we got married.
25. We had a cocktail party in our room after our wedding.
26. I hated our flight to Italy.
27. I loved Florence the best.
28. I have no desire to travel that long on an airplane ever again.
29. Especially if I have to take my children.
30. I love to travel.
31. I love Hawaii.
32. I went to Hawaii for my high school senior trip.
33. I've been back twice since then.
34. I highly recommend Kona Village.
35. I love the beach.
36. Not a fan of the sand, but love the atmosphere/waves/etc.
37. I don't go in the cold Pacific very often.
38. I'm not a good swimmer.
39. I'm afraid of open water.
40. I have no desire to go on a cruise.
41. I think Tom Cruise is a complete idiot.
42. My favorite actor is Tom Hanks.
43. My Cousin Vinny is one of my favorite movies.
44. I don't like scary movies.
45. The last movie I watched with Collin was I Am Legend.
46. It was scary, but the perfect movie to scrapbook too.
47. I am a Creative Memories consultant.
48. I love scrapbooking and treasuring our memories overall.
49. I am way too far behind but at least I'm organized.
50. I'm going to scrapbook tonight.
51. I love making scrapbooks as gifts.
52. I'm learning how to take better photos.
53. I love my camera.
54. I wish I knew how to use it better.
55. Some of my dearest friends are from an online Mommy board.
56. I have met many of them in real life.
57. I miss them terribly.
58. I have some incredible friends in CA.
59. I don't know if we will live in CA forever.
60. I love the weather, but don't fit in in many ways.
61. I want to be a better Mom.
62. I buy organic milk.
63. I each too much fast food.
64. I wish I were comfortable with my weight.
65. I love coffee.
66. I love chocolate.
67. I have no sense of smell b/c of Zicam.
68. I'm really bummed about it.
69. I want to get my spider veins and varicose veins fixed.
70. I'm super self-conscious about that.
71. I want to get my teeth whitened.
72. I'm self-consious about that too.
73. I'm learning to appreciate the little things.
74. I love reading children's books to my kids.
75. I'm trying to read more for pleasure.
76. The last book I finished was Sundays at Tiffanys by James Patterson.
77. I highly recommend The Road Letters by Phil Ribaudo
78. My childhood favorite is The Monster at the End of this Book (Grover).
79. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school.
80. I worked at Wendy's for four years and got two scholarships from them.
81. My first car was a 1979 Plymouth Horizon (hand-me-down).
82. I currently drive a Suburban.
83. I can't park it very well.
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I am an extrovert, yet shy in some situations.
86. I volunteer at my kids' school.
87. I'm trying to learn to say NO more.
88. I love getting messages.
89. I usually polish my own toes.
90. I love Diet Dr. Pepper.
91. I've been watching Days of our Lives forever (probably 30 yrs.).
92. I can remember when they came to New Orleans for Bo & Hope's wedding.
93. I went to the World's Fair and had a annual pass thingie.
94. I love my DVR.
95. My favorite shows are Grey's Anatomy/Survivor/So You Think You Can Dance/Deadliest Catch/The Bachelor/Desperate Housewives/.....I'll stop now.
96. I probably watch too much TV.
97. My first dog was named FiFi and she was a chihuahua.
98. I didn't start taking dance until I was 12.
99. I like to cross-stitch and the only sport I can do remotely well is ski.
100. I'm adopted.

Such is my life in a nutshell.........


Nicole said...

That was awesome!!! I knew lots of it, but there were lots of things I had no idea about!!! How fun! Love you!!!! PS- If you're scared of open water why do you now own a boat?

Kim said...

We have more in common than you would ever imagine, what fun.

Anonymous said...

Great list. I knew most of it, but didn't know about Fifi :) And you should definitely be comfortable with your weight, varicose veins and teeth, because you are a great person and that is all that matter to those of us who matter.

Love ya,

Tricia said...

I can remember a lot of those!! I wish we were closer - I'd love to be inseperable again!! I miss you terribly too! Hopefully we can see each other this summer...I'm working on that. Jen misses you too!

Love you bunches - Tricia

Anonymous said...


I found that dance book the other day. The one with me as the little future dancer. Well you were right and I love you very much!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am honored that you "highly recommend" and link to The Road Letters!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it—makes me feel very special!

I also enjoyed your list "100 random things about me & my crazy life:" Randomly I find myself agreeing, believing, or doing: 13, 27, 43, 35, 53, 58, 66, 65, 75, 89(no longer,) 88, 90, and of course 77.

Thank you! Phil