Monday, May 05, 2008

Princess Bride. Monty Python. Caddyshack. The Godfather. Austin Powers. What do they all have in common? Well, if you are a movie lover (and geek) like me the answer is simple. MOVIE QUOTES!! My main movie to quote these days is PeeWee's Big Adventure. You see, it was all the rage for my best friends in high school. Kat could do a mean Pee-Wee Herman imitation; I am laughing just typing this and thinking about it. We imitated the bar/dance scene at all of the dances; walked around chirping 'la, la, la' for no apparent reason; and repeated "Shhhh, I'm trying to use the phone" until everyone around wanted to smack us I'm sure. There are so many downright hilarious scenes --- like this and this. How can I pick a favorite?

Just like music, movies bring me back to certain times and places in my life. I LOVED Grease as a young girl and now as a Mom I'm having a hard time letting my kids watch it b/c of the constant sexual overtones. I remember my Mom taking us to see Blue Lagoon in the theatre and two old ladies chastising her about it (lol!). Oh how I wanted to be on Fame or in Flashdance. Then Dirty Dancing came along and I wanted to vacation there so I could sneak out just like Baby. (don't laugh b/c you know you wanted to too)

So what movie quotes are your favorite movie quotes that you occasionally toss about? any movie that bring you back to your childhood?

Now I gotta go rent PeeWee's Big Adventure.


Anonymous said...

Disney's Robin Hood.. I quote Sir Hiss a lot.. Coming.. I'm coming. in his drunk sing song voice.

And there's Princess Bride, "Have fun Storming the Castle". ;o)

and though not a quote per se, I often whistle If I only had a brain from Wizard of Oz. One of my all time favorite kid movies.

Nicole said...

Of course I do Princess Bride- have you ever watched it yet all the way through? I think your kids would love it! I quote Star Wars, lots of Disney movies and for some strange reason, Willow! Do you rememeber that one? The other one my whole family does is While You Were Sleeping. And many years ago- Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure- DUDE!

My brother, Daniel, is the king of movie quotes! He is constantly asking me- What's that from? Do you know? I get about half- and that's more than most people I know.

Nicole said...

Oh- one more thought- I sing EVERYTHING! My brain is full of so much useless information!

Joy H said...

OH, how did I forget My Cousin Vinny!!!!!!!!!!!!

'what is a grit?'
'do the laws of physics fail to work on your stove?'
'yeah, you blend'
'yuts, what 'er yuts?'