Friday, June 06, 2008

How is it possible that my kids have EIGHT days of school left and then we'll be moving on to 5th, 3rd, 1st, and pre-K. EEeeeeekkk! The last couple of weeks have been full of busy-ness and insanity. A little update -----youngest to oldest......

I think he's growing again . He is crashing in the late afternoon no matter where he is and he still goes to bed on time. How can he grow when his diet is mostly cookies that he sneaks out of the pantry?
I went with the kindergarteners to the local zoo. The kids are just so cute and excited by the little things. Just being away from school was a treat, but add a few monkeys and feeding the goats and it's a party. All I can say is that my ears were ringing when I stepped off the bus. Bus drivers are a special breed.
Sean's all-star baseball team won the Memorial Day tournament for his level. The normally have six inning games and they won in the bottom of the 9th! It was the most amazing youth game I have yet to see. They start another tournament this weekend.
This girlie is just getting too big too fast. This is her and a friend. I took them out to lunch & shopping. Matching outfits; sunglasses; and 'best/friends' necklaces. Pure fun.

And lastly, the biggest kid got a new toy.


Anonymous said...

LOL, you can use my monkey's name. :::grin::: I still can't believe how cute they are. Kam's not removed her glasses or necklace since we've been home. : )

Anonymous said...

Not sure which pic I like best. Kids all look great, of course, but I think I love the boat best, lol. Not sure school ending is a blessing or a curse, but I know you all are ready for it to be over.

Nicole said...

Love it all- I can't believe school is over either- where did the year go?