Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Miss Maggie is off to Girl Scout camp tomorrow AM. Real camp. Overnight. Without her troop and/or leader. It's at a location that she has gone to previously with her troop. It's about two hours from here; she will take a bus. She doesn't come back until Sat.

It's really good timing b/c honestly she is making me crazy right now. She is just difficult and I'm having a hard time with it all. She will argue about ANYTHING and is just not nice a lot of the time. I had a talk with her tonight while I was helping her pack. I hope she will take this time to enjoy being on her own and making some of her own decisions. I hope that she will come back appreciating how much her Momma does for her. (ya know, little things like laundry and cutting the crust off her sandwiches.)

More than anything else, I hope that she has a great time and that she knows her Momma loves her no matter what. I WILL MISS her, but the timing couldn't be better. (and I hope that she at least changes her underwear and combs her hair)


Anonymous said...

I think you realy have a good blog !
Why not have a try my website:
to protect your eyes!
BTW,your girl is pretty~!

Kim said...

You go Mags, BTW...Love the dress.

Anonymous said...

I love Mag's hair :) And I am sure she will have a great time and miss you just like you will miss her. BTW, I think it's the age.