Friday, August 15, 2008

So, along with the rest of humanity, I've been watching the Olympics. Or should I say staying up WAY TOO LATE watching the Olympics. Or should I say falling asleep on the couch b/c the Olympics are fun but really long.

BUT it's the Micheal Phelps show - that's a good reason right.
Thank goodness I have a DVR b/c I'm missing the last hr. every single night. It's not as fun b/c I usually hear the results before I watch but at least I can watch the magic over-and-over if I choose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I am up till 11:30 or so, then back up at 5:50am for work. These Olympics are killing me, but I wouldn't miss it for anything. I really enjoyed the swimming, but have been hoarse from screaming at the tv, lol.