Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So you came for the funny .....

compliments of Ian -- What do you get when a kitten drinks lemonade?

A sour puss! (ha, ha! get it! --- Ian even says this part too)

this afternoon Sean all of a sudden started screaming. A piercing 'something-is-wrong' dreadful scream. I raced down the stairs to find his lip stuck in a container that I had put some salami slices in. SNORT! Seriously...it was pinched closed on his lip. Collin and I reacted the same way; hysterical laughter.

At least I grabbed some ice for Sean and his poor lip. For the record, he didn't want the salami anymore.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

There's something about Nicole!
Today just seems right to tell the world about how fabulous my friend Nicole is and how blessed I am to have her in my life.

Nicole just has a way about her. She is friendly, funny, smart, beautiful, talented and so much more. She is an amazing mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and support system to many. She has a flair for drama and dancing too, so it is ALL good.

I feel like I've known her all my life. She's the closest thing to a sister that I have in my life right now. Sure, I have great friends (waving to Patricia, Kathylnn, Sandee, Jenin29, Heather, etc.) but Nicole is involved in my life daily. Our kids are friends, but we would be friends anyway I'm sure of it.

The saying 'it's the little things' applies to how thoughtful Nicole is. She has been there with random flowers for a quick pick-me-up; she has shuffled my kids when I don't have last minute babysitting; she is just THERE. Yesterday for my b-day, she arranged a small luncheon. It couldn't have been more perfect. Just 5 adults, but it was filled with wonderful conversation, laughs, and delicious food. All of my gifts were so ME and I love them all, but the CD Nicole made for my car is just priceless. Assorted tunes that she picked b/c they are inside jokes, representative of our friendship, or just plain fun. It can be a serious song that I will just laugh to b/c of what it means to us. (Kelly Clarkson's Because of You isn't supposed to be funny.............hmmmmmm, wonder why she didn't put RedNeck Woman on my CD?)

And to top it all off, she is my tap-dance teacher on Tues. mornings.

Thank you for being my friend.

Friday, October 17, 2008

FALL.....where for art thou?

Sure, you have come in the form of Santana Winds and HEAT(!), but I was hoping for something a little different this year. I'll even take highs in the 70s as opposed to the 50-60s that normal people experience.

The insane winds make me crazy. So that's where I have been the last week; busy living a chaotic schedule topped with weather of 10-15% humidity, crazy wind, DRY skin, chapped lips, electrified fingers, and a wind-blown yard that looks like we've had a small hurricane.

Pass the lotion please.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

It's hard to believe today she is SEVEN! There is something about Amanda that you can't quite put your finger on; people just love her to pieces. It's been that way for years. I remember my friend Sandee saying "I love all your kids, but Amanda just steals my heart." Yeah, mine too.

(pictured here in 2005) She still takes tap and now acro-jazz, but she is mostly a 'tom-boy' at heart. Can't you just see her guns.

She and Ian have always shared a special bond.
She has grown up so much in the last year. She took to the stage twice, improved greatly in swimming and is doing great in first grade (SO GLAD we did the bonus year)
She reminds me of my niece Ann --- beautiful, smart, funny, sporty, quirky, and independent! She even looks a lot like Ann; she's got Ann's silly face NAILED.
Happy Birthday Miss Amanda - we love you!

Friday, October 03, 2008

So let's talk TV shall we.......
with the help of the DVR, I'm watching House, the Biggest Loser, Survivor, Amazing Race, Desp. Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. Well b/c of a programming snafu, I missed Private Practice - GAH! Really, really bummed.

Survivor --- not sure what to think this season, other than that Marcus is yummy (Charlie thinks so too, but "that's not how I roll" says Marcus, HA!). I'm not sure how Mr. I-Hate-the-World Randy is still around; he is masking his stupidity well. I'm hoping Bob sticks around b/c I'm thinking he could be a good MacGyver.

Amazing Race --- meh. A bit disappointed so far. I'm sad to see the bee keepers go; they could have made it a lot of fun. I can't say that I'm rooting for anyone at this point; although I laughed really hard at them trying to maneauver the little truck carts in Brazil. For the record, I would have likely fainted if I had to do that net thing......sweaty palms just thinking about it........I still think it would be an awesome thing to do.

Desp. Housewives -- good stuff! Just when I started to wonder about where "Bree's" baby was and then they toss in a twist. Awesome.

All hail the DVR!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

I know I posted about this eons ago and I never got around to actually renting it. Well, guess what is recording on my DVR right now! WOOT!

I knew what it was by the music and ran into the living -- PEE WEE! Sean actually watched the first few minutes before I shuffled him off to bed. Seeing his reaction and his fits of laughter just sealed it for me. It's so much fun to share this with my 8yo especially. It's the perfect silly for him, but he did think Pee Wee's bike was really cool.

Of course, there's me tucking him in Pee-Wee style with "I don't make monkeys I just train 'em". He said he was going to say it at school and everyone would laugh without knowing where it came from. I told him he was probably right although his teachers WOULD and would likely crack up as well. I'm such a good influence sometimes.

I'm now trying to convince him to be PeeWee Herman for Halloween -- the character, no relation to the real human that is creepy.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

At this exact moment, I AM NOT HAPPY...........it's 102*. It's freaking October 1st. If I wanted to live in this heat I would live in Arizona. Gumble, gumble, growl.