Friday, October 03, 2008

So let's talk TV shall we.......
with the help of the DVR, I'm watching House, the Biggest Loser, Survivor, Amazing Race, Desp. Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. Well b/c of a programming snafu, I missed Private Practice - GAH! Really, really bummed.

Survivor --- not sure what to think this season, other than that Marcus is yummy (Charlie thinks so too, but "that's not how I roll" says Marcus, HA!). I'm not sure how Mr. I-Hate-the-World Randy is still around; he is masking his stupidity well. I'm hoping Bob sticks around b/c I'm thinking he could be a good MacGyver.

Amazing Race --- meh. A bit disappointed so far. I'm sad to see the bee keepers go; they could have made it a lot of fun. I can't say that I'm rooting for anyone at this point; although I laughed really hard at them trying to maneauver the little truck carts in Brazil. For the record, I would have likely fainted if I had to do that net thing......sweaty palms just thinking about it........I still think it would be an awesome thing to do.

Desp. Housewives -- good stuff! Just when I started to wonder about where "Bree's" baby was and then they toss in a twist. Awesome.

All hail the DVR!

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