Wednesday, October 08, 2008

It's hard to believe today she is SEVEN! There is something about Amanda that you can't quite put your finger on; people just love her to pieces. It's been that way for years. I remember my friend Sandee saying "I love all your kids, but Amanda just steals my heart." Yeah, mine too.

(pictured here in 2005) She still takes tap and now acro-jazz, but she is mostly a 'tom-boy' at heart. Can't you just see her guns.

She and Ian have always shared a special bond.
She has grown up so much in the last year. She took to the stage twice, improved greatly in swimming and is doing great in first grade (SO GLAD we did the bonus year)
She reminds me of my niece Ann --- beautiful, smart, funny, sporty, quirky, and independent! She even looks a lot like Ann; she's got Ann's silly face NAILED.
Happy Birthday Miss Amanda - we love you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Amanda!!! I sent out her birthday package on Monday, so hopefully she'll get it by the weekend!!! Give her a big hug and kiss from us!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you - Love Tricia

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mannie !! :::sniff::: I cannot believe that tiny baby is SEVEN. Wow.